A Newb's Perspective: Vol 4

Day 1,531, 19:07 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

Greetings my fellow eRepublikans!

On a quick side note, I'd like to forward you on towards today's WPHR article which can be found HERE. This article contains part two of my interview with none other than our POTeUS Oblige.

For starters I'd like to apologize for not writing an article in approximately a week. I know for the two people who religiously read this newspaper, (ok, so two is a gross exaggeration) without seeing it updated with the latest ramblings of my incoherent, and generally off topic mind, must have made you angry/sad/frustrated/disappointed/horny or all of the above. Let's see...what's new. Besides attempting to maintain a semblance of a RL, and attending college classes, life in eRep has been very busy.

First, I was elected to Congress to represent the region of Aquitaine.

I'd like to first thank all the people who supported me or just voted to hopefully stop seeing my annoying emails. Also, I understand many of you are quite puzzled right now. "Wait a minute Malarkey...aren't you some newb that has been playing only a month?" Why, yes that is correct. I'm highly newbish and have only been playing since Dec 31, 2011. "How the hell did you get elected to Congress?" Ah, yeah well honestly I have no freaking clue. However I will do everything I can, to not only represent Aquitaine to the best of my ability, but also not make a complete fool of myself.

Second, I've been busy recently working on a topic important to me. I've been working with Sozo to come up with a guide for new players, featuring important links and information and will be updated as often as possible.

And now, what you're truly here to see:


The Frontline News
The Nerd Machine

Oh, and hot chicks: