A Newb's Perspective

Day 1,518, 20:41 Published in USA USA by Malarkey83

I'm sure you're all wondering what the purpose of this newspaper will be? Well, to be completely honest, I have no plan nor serious reasons behind starting this other than, "it seemed fun".

Why you ask would this be fun? I honestly have no idea and in fact am already regretting this decision as I put pen to paper...well actually fingers to keyboard but who cares.

Anywho...the purpose of my ramblings is to meander on about topics. I ask the readers of this wonderful paper (Note: paper is filled with sarcasm) to suggest topics of discussion. We can discuss the events of eRep...or sports...or you can ask me to write a mock article like a real newspaper would do.

We've all seen the same old boring newspapers. Who wants to really read about who declared on who in this fake world? Who wants to read about the movement of the gold market? I've created this newspaper to fight against the boring newspapers and make something stupid, pointless and hopefully funny.

Side Note: The articles that I'm complaining about I usually find myself reading anyway...

And now, what you're truly here to see:


The Frontline News

Oh...you wanted pictures of hot chicks?