A.I Art Competition

Day 5,476, 17:58 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth
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Story? Long time, no post. I've been really ill as of late (getting better tho) so I've been trying to pass the time with various novel things like reading pulpy books, designing overly complicated board games and other such boring things.

(Been trying to get into lucid dreaming. No results yet.)

A.I Generated Plato

I have a competition for y'all. AI Generated art! 🤖
Post your best to be in the prize pool of (currently) 200,000cc!

Probably way more if I can convince others to contribute to the prize pool...

The Competition Subject: eRepublik

It's easy to get into. Just write in your text prompts and the A.I fills in the gaps. Sometimes Loab appears.
If she does manifest; delete System32 and burn both your Computer and House down, just to be safe. (jk)

Here's some text prompted A.I sites to get you started Nightcafe, Starry AI & Dall-E Mini There are loads more, just google text-prompt A.I art.

The competitions subject is eRepublik. Subscribe then post your work in the comments to be in with a chance to win the 100,000cc! (potentially much more)

So much A.I generated Plato it turned all goofy looking

All eNationalities are welcome to contribute. I still want that stupid gold pen so spread this far and wide; post your A.I masterpiece, share this article and Subscribe!

Competition Rules

- Submit your A.I art link in the comments
- You can do as many as you like (within reason)
- The Subject is eRepublik; examples would be in-game lore, your eNation & anything else eRepublik-esque

The winner will be declared on eRep Day 5,500

G'luck 🙂


Ya boi,

Seth the Bedridden