A Great Election but We will never Fall

Day 286, 20:12 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

The elections are going well although personally I'd like to see more citizens vote as it seems Norsefire is putting up more votes for congress than Country President id like to talk more about our plans in congress.

Our main focus will be Foreign Affairs and making sure that all those citizens that are active will have a job and employed as long as they are active whether it be Government owned or private companies.

By improving relations with the US, we guarantee a protected Southern bordered and very strong ally.

We have talked about a "Free Ireland" we have only said and unlike other countries we have yet to act. We promise to act. Although we have yet to see Victor we know he is still out there, and he will be treated by a Norsfire congress as a Dangerous Terrorist whether Admin believe his way legit or not, we as a country and as citizens of the world do not. So once the rightful Irish government returns to power we will continue and work for a strong relationship.

I have looked into A.T.L.A.N.T.I.S. and how it would help and benefit Canada, and so far the positives are outweighing the negatives. And I will talk more about A.T.L.A.N.T.I.S. after the elections.

Political Takeover Protection Pacts is a very new Idea brought to me by Augustus Baldwin in which I think is simple and will work out very well. To read up on it more head to our party's policy platform in our recent press release.

"A Beacon of Hope" We will adopt an internationalist foreign policy and commit Canada to helping ensure democratic rights and freedoms worldwide by opposing undemocratic governments wherever they may be, and offering to take in refugees whose nation has been unjustly conquered. We will also provide a currency exchange program for refugees entering our country.

So I hope this will ensure a safe and more protected Canada. Together we are strong, separated we are our enemy.

Vote Norsefire, and come tomorrow change will happen, and we will see to a new and brighter future.