A Frosty Reception

Day 2,226, 09:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Equalist

For several weeks, we have been attacking a blizzard of snowman. But now we are faced with a mission to defeat the coldest of them all. It is ice to get awards for completing missions, but when you have to deal with a snowman that looks like a frozen scarecrow, it makes some people shiver. Unfortunately, sometimes missions are very long, being completed at a glacial pace. Luckily, in the latest mission, a few bazookas are all that is needed to melt the opponent.

I never understood why so many winter related stuff has to do with snow. The chilling fact is that in half the world it is summer, and there are many places in the world where it never snows. But many people not affected by snow this time of the year are given the cold shoulder, as culture blankets us with the illusion of having a white Christmas. I am sure there are some people who are not cool with this theme as it is polarizing, but at least it will not freeze them from continuing their daily tasks. In a few weeks, this theme will most likely thaw out and people will return to their merry way.

Thanks for reading, don’t forget to vote and subscribe. You’re probably as sick of these puns as I am, so the regularly scheduled Country Top Tens series will continue in the New Year.

The Equalist