6 Sep, 2012

Day 1,751, 12:39 Published in India India by Uv Ajed

Thought of the Day -"Every time there's a revolution, it comes from somebody reading a book about revolution."

Statutory Warning: There are no pictures of Human Beings or Animals in this article as it's more or less a satirical announcement with loads of real life references mean't to be read, not "seen" or "felt".

P.S. If all you do is see pictures of human beings or animals, you might have luck finding some in my next article or my previous ones.

Dear Readers,
Sorry for the brief Intermission, but we are extremely pleased to announce that we are returning after a long hiatus & interruption, "the breaking dawn" of which followed the uber successful coup attempt by and under the guidance of our New Supreme Editor also known as "Samnomix" aided by Kim Bloody Young, Rammstein "Engels", Marx"beard"man, Maowadi, Former St. Petersburg and his Bolshevik Overthrower.
Our new Supreme Editor "Samnomix", known for his love for "Che Guevara caps" and "V for Vendettasque Guy Fawkes mask", overthrew his Compatriot, twin brother and our former Editor well known to the whole India as "The Robot". Though both the brothers shared a common love, that is to pose for Pictures in the Guy Fawkes mask after being deeply inspired by A Goddess worshiping Pagan Anarchist named Alan Moore, and Bromance, and of course the same name; The former was believed to have been Robocopped by a female alien and her son in disguise of his divine pastafarian lord, the spaghetti monster and the asatro god of mischief, loki;
while the later went into the jungle on a motorcycle to complete his diary as a wannabe "Gorilla"(Sorry Mr. Geek Smarty Pants, we didn't spell it wrong, we do know the correct spelling of the other word "Guerrilla").
After several failed attempts to be the numero uno Bolivian Tarzan, thanks to the rampant corruption and scams even in the jungle; the disgruntled, frustrated and annoyed younger Samnomix finally decided to return back to the uncivilized world, take the law in his gun laden hand and bring an end to the chaotic evil reign of his brother and our former editor also named Samnomix. The end of the evil reign was marked by bursting of firecrackers all over & inside the office of "The Twaddle of Humbug" while the older robotic comatose Samnomix along with the mother-son duo(as his divine holy spaghetti monster & the nordic loki's posers) were being devoured by the execution gun squad led by the former gunz & roses superstar chief "Vicky Sings".
With the change of guards our "Supreme Leader" oops we mean "Editor" has announced that
"from this day on wards, for the next 7 issues, we shall be publishing a series of articles inspired by the real life pre-independence revolutionary politics & activism in India under the name or title of

, in an attempt to wake up the dead zombies of eIndia and infuse life into the essence of an upcoming eRevolution in eIndia of eRepublik @ e e e e...."

With this we would like to bring an abrupt end to this article.
Jai Hind
The Management of The Twaddle of Humbug under the guidance of the one and only holy Supreme Editor.


I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.