5 days of Inactivity? Maybe not.

Day 264, 18:37 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

My mom got promoted and we have to move. So between August 12th and August 17th my friend will be logging in to make sure that my citizen has food and the company is doing well, he has logged onto me before so he knows how everything works. The elections are close between my self and Augustus, in 8 hrs the results are final. And If I come up on top, Id like all Norsefire members who currently is a Mayor and congressman whether they want to continue in their position or not message me, any new members that want to take up on a position then also message me, I will start making a list before they turn off the electricity and transfer it to the new house, and I will give it to my friend he will place you in the right position. I will be back on before local elections and finish everything that needs be down. So Im just moving from one state to another and the process should take no more than five days.