25 comments article part 2: Presidency elections

Day 2,996, 07:02 Published in USA USA by Siaan Kaan

This is part II of a three part mission.

First of all I would like to thank to everyone that commented, endorsed or put on their walls my articles to get more attention. Don't know how to repay you except say a big THANK YOU ALL.

Secondly, elections are in a few days. For a new newbie that doesn't understand a lot about dynamics of this game (yet) I am lost in all these announcements "running for president". Most of articles I read I can found something I can say „this is what I want for US“. But I know that elections have a different face before and after. There are things that take time to implement or do and sometimes, people don't have patience for it. They want change or action done over night and that just ain't possible...

So when elections come, listen to what your intuition tells you and vote. Call everyone you know to vote and do it without any influence. Vote for US!!

Also, I heard that being a deputy is a good way to start your political carier. So I would like to apply for it if it is possible. feel free to contact me if there are sits available and lets talk!