[vCP-Last minute] Thank's

Day 2,117, 03:19 Published in Norway Norway by Indigodavo95

Hello i promised some people to write an article, just so i can thank everyone that made this month.

Per Jostein-Thanks for giving me this opportunity, I'm so grateful for this.. Hope i lived up to your expectation.
Emanuil 13-Your work have been sick, can't say more about this! "Thanks"
fredrikz-You have done your work as you are suppose to 🙂 and as always good. "Thanks"
Morten Asphaug-You did get thrown in a ministerial post you didn't know much about but still you did try! "Thanks"
bATRA-I don't know where to begin... you have been there helping me when no one else was there. "Thanks"

This article i should have posted yesterday but i didn't get time to write it, since i had to go out and work.

But when this written.. I just want to gratulate Che Kukaken with winning in the CP election..

Seeing forward to wrok with you as your MoD
