[TURP] Thank You

Day 2,188, 19:50 Published in USA Ireland by Thomas Killah

I would just like to let everyone know how happy and thankful I am for receiving this opportunity to be the Party President of TURP! I truly did not expect this, but I will make sure that I do my best to deliver this party to the new era we have always sought.

Thomas Killah wins election in a landslide

I am very glad everyone contributed, especially since someone named Dr_Evil was, at one point in time, 1 vote behind me. I never heard of him before so, I browsed through his profile and found this

I knew then that he was a PTO'er, and this normal Party President election turned into an ATO. I contacted my close friends and discussed it, and then contacted the Department of Homeland Security. Also, guess who left the party to go to the recently PTO'ed Albanian Unity Party?

Anyways, I'd just like to thank everyone for the amazing opportunity you guys have given me.

Thanks for reading,
Thomas Killah