[To Admins] We want African countries

Day 421, 06:52 Published in France France by aguellid

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Hi everyone,

The eWorld is growing, new countries are added each month... Unfortunately, only south africa is african.

All african people who want to play this game are forced to live in foreign countries. They're not so much, you think?

- Afrika population is 944 000 000;
- North african countries have very wide internet access coverage;
- And afrikans like to play 😃

Beside this,
The arrival of african countries will improve the gameplay experience (cultural influences, new ressources?...) and raise the complexity of diplomatic relations as we all know the RL colonial history of this continent.

Personnally, I'm from Algeria (largest country in north africa), and I'm living in France at the moment. I like french people, I like living in France, but i don't like being forced to.

Support the creation of more african countries, vote and subscribe.