[tBRE] Alliances of the eWorld - Day 1956

Day 1,957, 15:40 Published in South Africa Belgium by Tony Clifford

South Africans! Here you are the bi-weekly update on the eWorld's MPPs!
Last article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-tbre-alliances-of-the-eworld-day-1942-2229510/1/20

After some weeks when the number of MPPs dropped, in day 1956 the number of MPPs grew to 319; 29 MPPs more than in day 1942.

Day 1956 MPPs situation

On the left there are CoT (light blue), TWO (violet) countries and ex-CTRL (red) countries, with some other countries.
On the right we have EDEN (dark green), Asgard (yellow) and ex-EDEN (orange) countries, and some others.
Ex-TERRA countries (light green) are on both sides.
4 small nations are without MPPs: United Arab Emirates, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Denmark (which is in union with Germany)
New entries: the Non-Aligned Nations (South Africa and Australia) in brown.

In these two weeks the number of MPPs which link the two sides increased. Now there are not only the Russian MPPs and the USA-Albanian MPP, but also other minor nations have MPPs with both sides: Czech Republik, Pakistan and South Africa-Peru.

Another major change is the movement of Portugal towards the CoTWO-side.. Portugal signed MPPs only with TWO countries: Poland, Serbia and Spain.

Despite it finished, the effects of Polish-Russian war continue to last in international relations: Russia remains roughly equidistant from CoT and EDEN, but far from TWO.As you can see in the graph, that makes easy to distinguish CoT and TWO countries in the CoTWO-side's cluster.

Brazil, despite claiming neutrality, is clearly inside the CoTWO cluster, exactly at the border between CoT and TWO.

Day 1942 MPPs situation


The Alliances Bar
Thanks to the improvements of the site egov4you.info, I decided to update the alliance bar using the weightd influence instead of the total influence.

I explain quickly:
Total Influence is the damage that was done in battles , the damage you can see increasing in your browser when you click in the Battle Module, and which is counted by eRepublik in the
Weighted influence is a modified stat that takes into account that in the new War Module one single point of influence in lower divisions has actually more military value than in higher ones. (In the last month: 1.0 div1 = 3.0 div2 = 8.2 div3 = 38.4 div4)

Alliances Bar with Total Influence

Alliances Bar with Weighted Influence

As you may easily see, the two biggest alliances (TWO and EDEN) have slightly less damage if you consider weighted influence instead of total influence. CoT on the other hand, is stronger in weighted influence.
That means that CoT damage is more concentrated in lower divisions compared to TWO and EDEN.

Alliances include TWO (violet), CoT (Blue), NaN (grey) Asgard (yellow) and EDEN (dark green).
The most powerful neutral countries were added (Argentina (green), Brazil (dark red), Russia (orange)).
The other countries were divided in CoTWO-side neutrals (light blue) and in EDEN-side neutrals (light green) on the basis of their MPPs in day 1956.

Using weighted influence, instead of total influence, and considering as non-aligned both Russia and NaN countries, the CoTWO-side increased its damage advantage on the EDEN-side to 24% of weighted damage.

The figures:

Coalition is a comparison between the two main sides and Russia and NaN:
CoT+TWO+CoTWO neutrals+Brazil vs. Russia vs. NaN vs. EDEN+Asgard+EDEN neutrals+Argentina

by Tony Clifford