[Solution] - SP UK Edition 1 - The careerpath of an entrepreneur

Day 1,919, 08:28 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Nohjis

Dear eReaders,

I present you with the first official British issue of Solution papers. This paper will be used to present you with solutions of course. Feel free to message me with any problem you might encounter and given sufficient knowledge within the solution team you will find an answer in this paper.

This first issue will be centered around a common misconception “The economy is broken and needs to be fixed”. I frequently find people claiming it’s impossible to make a profit, even Iain Keers in his latest article of The Economist suggested people were selling Q7 weapons at a loss. We will first go in deeper about market behaviour in general and the ways to make a profit while producing. While it’s true there’s a general problem with demand for products, do notice that the value of items measured in gold has barely changed. So, is the economy really broken ? I’ve been around for over a year and people have always claimed that the economy was broken. The main reason is because it’s slightly more complicated to play with then hitting the fight button. No it’s not broken and yes, you can make a profit.

The first concepts you need to familiarize yourself with as an entrepreneur are costs, profit margins and sale prices. Understand that there is overproduction and certain segments of the market are unprofitable or just plain dead. Costs are the raw materials required to produce, the food you use or the wage you pay an employee, taxes and the investment in the building. The sales price is the price people or the market cleanup tool are willing to pay for a product. The profit margin the difference between those two.

So where is sir Keers wrong in his calculations ? Observe the market for raw materials more closely and you will frequently find offers of 0.01 GBP under the so-called market price. There are a lot more of these offers then you would imagine at first sight. What happens is that big producers buy up these offers fast because they’re monitoring the market. If you want to check this fact, simply open the Polish or Bulgarian market for Weapon Raw Materials half an hour after day change and keep hitting F5 for 10 minutes.

About half a year ago there was still a script in use by our dear admin team that would buy up anything based on a 0.33 GBP base price of raw materials and prior to the unified market the “bot” price level would depend on the country you were in. Today this script no longer seems to be in use. This was the only cause of our inflated market. The bot price got lowered systematically to what we know today. Today, “new” currency seems to be introduced via the Monetary Market.

Meet gigantic overproduction, this is the true problem of the economy module and quite frankly, the admin team will never find a solution to this issue, it’s inherent to the way economics are set up in games. Some realities:
- Each player can use up to 2400 health worth in food a day, reality shows that the average is closer to 1000 then 2400 which means that most players are self-sufficient in food production by the time they have a Q3 food company in the eUK. New players receive free food through charity. This quite easily explains why there is no big profits in food to be made unless you get paid to supply one of these charity programs.
- Unlike food, there is no maximum number of weapons used a day as you can use a bunch of energy bars making the weapons market more attractive
- A Q6 weapon is the most cost-effective weapon when you produce them and a Q4 weapon when you buy them under the current market conditions.
- There is a profitable market for Q6 and Q7 weapons mainly from government or military unit demand

Because an economic article is nothing without charts:
A casual player will buy WRM at 0.03 GBP because let’s face it, it’s not worth travelling to a big market like Poland to buy the 3200 raws you need when you need to fight for an hour to get raws at 0.02 GBP. Therefore a production costs tablix with raws at 0.03 GBP worth first.

To suite those who manage to find raw materials at 0.02 GBP will find it’s even profitable to liquidate Q5 weapons working as manager and can clearly find that producing Q6 and Q7 weapons is profitable working with employees.

Note that in both graphs I included the price of taxes (15😵 in the production cost for a comparison in “value”. If you wish to compare the actual costs working as manager just add up the first two columns. For an employee which you pay 10 GBP count 0.70 GBP per gun extra in production costs.

To end this article with, no the economy is not broken more then it was two years ago just because country currency is worth little or because the bot is gone. You need to know what you wish to achieve in the game. I’ve seen players get rich by playing the monetary market. Others working to become self-sufficient and a last category aiming everything on the production of raw materials. In the past there were other schemes used. If your goal is to become a wealthy entrepreneur, remember that you will need a lot of patience and dedication and more then superficial knowledge of the market.

An article by Nohjis
Member of the Solution Team