[Series] Visiting eRepublik Labs [Part 01]

Day 3,319, 03:27 Published in Germany Germany by Master_rg
Hello fellow citizen,

as you may know it already I got the chance to visit eRepublik Labs from 07th to 10th dec and in this series of articles I would like to give you an insight into the experiences I made.

In order to make it a bit more comprehensible and easier to read for everyone, let us start with a table of contents. This will be available in every article and will, of course, link to each other in order to get a better overview of the whole situation.

Table of contents

1. Preamble and some rules
2. Clarification about some used terms
3. How did it come to that visit

4. What happened during the days
4.1 Wednesday
4.2 Thursday
4.3 Friday

5. Problems eRepublik is currently facing
5.1 Community
5.2 Economy
5.3 Military
5.4 Politics
5.5 Newspapers

6. Some quotes of players which appear regularly
7. Conclusion

#1 - Preamble and some rules

With these articles I would like to give a foundation for discussions and debates about eRepublik. I am trying to give you as much information as possible in order to show the different points of view of the eRepublik team and, of course, the community.

In order to make it possible to have those discussions I would kindly ask everyone to keep the comments free of spam, hate and sarcasm. Of course this doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to leave comments, but please always keep in mind that comments like “PLUTO FIX ECONOMY NAO!!111” don’t help anyone. You are free to leave criticism and of course: I want to hear it as it is the only way to have great discussions! In case I may have missed some questions in the article, I will try to add them (including an answer of course) as soon as possible.

I am also in touch with the moderators to remove spam and stuff like that in order to keep the discussion at a (hopefully) high level.

If the community likes to discuss about all those things actively I am planning to have some streaming sessions in order to get in touch with most of you. I would also like to create a website which just deals with ideas of the community, including pros, cons and possible problems caused by those ideas. Yes, all in all it won’t be easy, but at least we can give it a try in order to show that we, as a community, hold together and still care about eRepublik.

Last but not least I would also like to point out that, even though I would really like to, I can’t get into a too detailed report about my visit. I signed a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and many new features are, even if they are close to release, still not polished yet - so in case you are looking for a detailed list of things that are supposed to be released soon: I’m sorry, you won’t find it in this article.

However, if you still want to read a huge amount of text about my visit at eRepublik Labs, feel free to continue reading 🙂

#2 - Clarification about some used terms

In order to make it possible for everyone to understand the article correctly, I would like to clarify some used terms in this article. Even though it may looks a bit stupid to some of you, there are still many citizens around who don’t really know what we are talking about by mentioning certain positions at eRepublik Labs.

The positions I am mentioning right here may don’t represent all available positions at eRepublik Labs and are possibly somehow merged together BUT they help you to get a general overview.

The guys who control eRepublik, makes decisions about future gameplay, highest position available. I merge the term “admin” with the term “project leader” to make it more easily to understand. People may call those guys “Plato”.

The guy who works for the admin. Develops new stuff based on the decisions made by the admin and maintains the source code.

Community Support
Lovely people who sit in the office at eRepublik Labs and take care of your tickets.

Moderator / Mod (unpayed)
Also very lovely people (mostly 😛) who don’t sit in the office at eRepublik Labs and take care of your tickets for free.

#3 - How did it come to that visit

Well, as you may know I am running one of the biggest tool websites for eRepublik, www.eRepublik-Deutschland.de

Due to this I was invited to a developer channel of the eRepublik team in order to make it easier for everyone to communicate with each other. So in case my servers were literally raping the ones of eRepublik, they are able to get in touch with me quite easily. The other way around, in case I am experiencing some bugs or issues with eRepublik itself, I am able to send a message directly to them which gets, depending of the impact of the issue, prioritized quite easily.

That way we are lending each other a helping hand from time to time. Of course: It’s not always about bugs but also about tips and tricks and also possible solutions for some issues - which I really appreciate.

The idea of visiting eRepublik Labs existed for quite some time as I got in touch with the developers and project leader over the time. So, all in all we had those kind of discussions like “hopefully I can show you the code we are dealing with somewhere in future, so you may understand what I am talking about 😃” - and now this dream came true 🙂