[SD] Move it out! Move it out! Move it out!

Day 2,135, 19:14 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Buncha badasses.

After 1 month of recruiting and gathering resources SD is finally joining the fray as an independent non affiliated military unit.

When your a small 10 man unit with awesome hitters and some capital to burn you still have to pick and choose your fights as you are facing an entire country. Entire unless of course there sleeping.

I decided and those who were online agreed that the time to strike was now. Spain was an obvious choice. Currently there lines are stretched thin and at last check the battle we were pledging to was made CoTD.

SD has currently pledged all its resources into turning the tide of the RW of Azores.


It was 60-39 spain when we started and now 63-48 Spain. With the right hits, timing and organization we can win this campaign.

This will cut off Spain from all its gains and perhaps allow USA Mexico to concentratee on Poland to eventually free North america.

Were currently in IRC in my personal channel #RyldesHouse and if you wish to help your free to join us. Combat Orders are worth the time to fight and if u need tanks they can be made available.

We owe Spain this much after 8 months.

Memebership Donation Apreciation

Mr A Smith - 3k CC
Lance lucky -2k cc 9 gold
Connor Macleod 10k cc
Zappie 20k cc
Myself 10cc

All expenses will be recorded and accounted for. Anything left will be pledged towards our next conquest. All Donations go towards Combat orders.

We don't hit often but when we do I ensure to make it count. If your interested in joining and helping out shoot me a PM. Leave govt and political affiliation at the door as were from all walks of life in eCanada. God Knows I have enough of a time doing so.

We lost and the battle broke us.

Fujin Off

I know my above image and title in no way will reflect what I'm about to say but its attention grabbing nothing more. Yeah thats my ass and finger think I pulled out a sesame seed for ya. Its kinda blurry but not bad for a behind the ass middle finger pic.

Canada currently views you the same way that USA views RGR back down in USA. Not the majority of us but a large number that has as such split the nation into a political divide.
Right or wrong Canadians for the entirety of this game like be be ruled by a long standing member of the immediate community. After which time we cut that current member to pieces to move along our own personal agenda's. Either he survives it or gives way to another hopeful willing to test his metal. Its kinda how we roll up here.

We have never since the outset of this game been ruled by a blatant obvious outsider. In a small easily divided rarely united nation outside of war your asking alot of us. Sadly it will never happen. There will never be unity and our political landscape will be ugly for the foreseeable future.

Thems the breaks and its kinda who we have always been. Who are you to mess with our political identity no matter how foolish you see it. Flip side of that is i think americans in eUSA were stupid for opening there borders to all MU's no matter what collecting juicy tax dollars that now have you in a never ending war vs RGR.

I'm completly open to allowing Americans into this country as it will create an influx of country growth, competition and much needed life to many of our parties. It would be nice if they tried to ingratiate themselves into our political system and parties earning there place through new idea's and activity.

Sadly currently all I see is alot of High powered high influence MU members and leaders dodging taxes to comes back up DMV Oct 5th this coming election. That will eventually lead to a us vs u battle that we should all avoid.

I beg you to join diffrent eCanadian parties that demenstrate best what you hold dear for politics. If there current leadership is slacking speak up and make them serve the country better or help[ put those or yourselves in leadership roles.

All I ask is just don't walk in here and say you know better than us and try to tell us what to do.

Canada has always been weak but at the same time it is strong. I saw it many times as past CP. As the fool I am and as many have pointed me out to be I always got the best out of it when I was at its helm for better or worse.

If you really want to be members of the eCanada community do it the right way and don't force those that can't be forced cause it will be nothing but a waste of time for all of us.

I don't care who the next president is but lets make sure its a long time and long serving member of the community that has made attempts at benefiting the community on a personal level that we canadians are used to.

I can think of quite a few that deserve a run if they only had the gumption to step up and take the reins and had the balls. They would have my full support. If they ever did they would never have to defend themselves from trolls cause only the respectable defend themselves from that ilk.

As a closing I leave you with a pic of me and my daughter because everytime you troll me I put one of her barbies in the microwave.

You may not like me or agree with me but when we all log off I'm still a person.