[Presidential Campaign]-Aren Perry, Another Great Month

Day 1,290, 07:40 Published in Philippines USA by Aren Perry

Hello all my fellow citizens!

ummm, no, wrong audience...Hello all my fellow citizens!

AH, there you are!

Well, back to what I was saying. I fully recognize that I have some tough competition for this month's candidacy, but I would like to bring forth my qualities that I feel uniquely qualify me to be your president in June.


This past month, I don't know about you, but I feel like we could have used much more information in our public media. I realize that our media module is not so easy to read anymore, but it is still important to communicate to the public as a body of government.

During my last presidency, I released weekly or bi-weekly articles with updates on the current status of what was going on in and around our nation. I would like to see this trend continue in my second term, keeping everyone from having to guess what is going on. A special section, I hope, will be dedicated to Luna so that all citizens will have a feeling for what is going on with our allies around the world on a regular basis as well. I hope I can count on Hekter to help keep us informed on what is going on over there, as I know he is well connected to all events Luna related.

I hope to assign someone especially to be the director of public information for this job. This does not mean that the public will not hear from me as well, but that there will be someone whose specific job is simply to publish bi-weekly updates on what is going on.

I also miss those battle order announcements. I know we have a military unit and that most communication will be on there, but it would be nice for the general population to know what is the suggested place to fight on a given day, especially for our allies.

Me and the MoD checking the newspaper for errors before it heads out to the public...

I have already, I hope, proved to you from my last month as president that I am capable of doing this, keeping my word on my platform promises, and will continue steady communication through my second month as president.


We had some sticky times during my last month as President. Dealing with both China and Indonesia and keeping our heads intact was quite a tricky process that I and others (Myung Kei, PigInZen...) worked hard on, and which required some well crafted thoughts and words and decisions on our actions.

However, by the end of the process, we had Mindanao back in our hands for the first time in a long time, and our nation was whole and intact. I cannot always promise such great results, sometimes they are impossible, but I can promise that the same care will be given to our diplomatic relations worldwide.

Doctoral School

Which starts in August. C'mon guys, this is my last chance for another term. One term just isn't fulfilling to me, I'd like a second swing at it to see if I can do more for our nation.

Yes that's right, I broke out the world's tiniest violin-hey, it was worth a try...

The Cabinet

It's not all decided yet, but I do know that my vice-president will be the one and only Berritas! I tried to give this fellow the MoD job my last time as president (which he did alot, anyways), and now he's finally accepted the position of vice-president. I think we all expect a lot out of this guy in the future and his hard work, business savy and patriotism stand out for all to know.

For MoD, I see no reason to switch the currently newly elected Kyle321n, I've seen this guy in the past do utterly loads and loads of work for his position, and I know he'll take great care of our military!

I have not confirmed this, but I would like Jude Connors to be the Director of Public Information. Why? Because he's my favorite hippy, that's why. Now this position has not been accepted yet, but I know he is an active and diligent member of our community and I he as much as I would enjoy seeing our public more informed on public matters.

DoHa-Need I say it? Revilo X unless he steps down! This guy is impeccable and knows how to do this job.

The other positions will be decided along the way, perhaps after I learn whether or not I am elected. Specifically, I know that the MoFa position still needs filled as well as the director in charge of citizenship application, as Sigurd so dearly called it, the director of NCIS.

I look forward to another opportunity to serve the Philippine people with experience, energy, activity and courage to lookout for our interests together in the world alongside our allies.

Viva la Philippines!
Aren Perry