[Partiet]Introduction Partiet New Logo and Interview with Odin 19 the Designer

Day 3,385, 09:55 Published in Norway Norway by Eraclev

Greeting ladies and gentlemen people of eWorld and Specially eNorway, today i would proudly present you the New Logo of Partiet. Partiet was founded by Endymionis on day 1694, July 10. 2012. He had previously been Party president of the National Liberation Party for 3 consecutive terms. During this time he, along with Che Kukaken moved more than two thirds of the members to other parties in order to successfully block all PTOers in the congress elections.[2]

After this event eNorway’s political scene experienced a renaissance when many new parties with their own ideologies were formed. It also became clear that there was little support to re-establish the Binary Party.

When the National Liberation Party was surpassed by Teknokratene and thus no longer the biggest party in Norway (in terms of members) Endymionis wrote a new party program and renamed NLP, thus creating Partiet, which was in favor of Establishing a Nordic Union. The old logo was made by Taulen, we really appreciate taulen as the designer of partiet old logo..

Today Partiet as a second biggest party will bring eNorway to the next step, as a first movement partiet will annouce and introduct the new partiet logo. The
We proudly present you Partiet New Logo..


1. Could you please introduce yourself, odin 19?

Hi everybody. My real life name is Ivan. I’m from a small town in Serbia. I’m working at a multinational company as a Design Technician (Graphic Designer). This is my second time playing eRepublik. First time was in eSerbia. Second time I also started in eSerbia, now here I am.

2. Why did you choose to be a member of Partiet?

One day, integer syntax contacted me. He needed help. In that time there were some eChileans in the party. They would run for Party President or Congress and create problems. Because of that he asked me to become a member of Partiet. Although I’m not a fan of politics, I decide to help him 🙂

3. As the designer, what is the meaning of new Partiet logo?

For the symbolism of the circle, it's safe to say that is the universal, holy and divine. It carries a message of eternity and a key to understanding the universe. The circle has no beginning, no end, no corners, no sides. That's why people always see in it a symbol of unity and union, and infinity. It seems that the circuit is not limited, although given form in it and out of it all in motion. It offers the potential. It is zero from which all come, and to which all, in the end, return. The circle calls to action. Because of that I put the letter "P" in the circle 🙂 I added some national colors, and that's it.

4. Could you tell us the background story of it and what is your idea to make it?

I tried to make something new and different. To be honest, and no offense, I just didn’t like the old logo. The old logo had a message but I thought I could improve it. So I made a proposal and with your assistance, DW, we have a new Partiet logo 🙂

5. What do you think about Partiet? What you suggest Partiet should do to make eNorway more active?

I think it works very well. When you have a small number of people in a some political party, it is easy to agree on all issues. Fewer people are "thinking less" and more easily operate. Of course, political parties are also good when you have more active members, that makes the party much stronger. The first thing Partiet should do is to try to activate more new members and through different tasks and activities try to keep them. What would be good for eNorway is that the Partiet try to reach an agreement with the other parties how to get more people to start playing or to move to eNorway.

6. What do you think about eNorway? And what is the strong point that eNorway have as a country?

I think that the eNorway is a great place for eLiving. Small nation with a BIG people with a EVEN BIGGER balls 🙂 People are united and we should use this to try to activate more new players.

7. Last but not least, do you have any wise words for eNorway?

Unofficial Partiet Spokesman