【国事公告】 关于昨日三个 MPP 的说明 About three MPPs yesterday

Day 692, 04:24 Published in China China by eChina News.cn

I think the redhot topic of eChina yesterday must be "why shall we sign the MPPs with opposed alliances at the same time?"

Well, first, after finishing negotiate with Eisenhorn( the Secretary General of PEACE) I went to bed directly yesterday before dawn. I'm very sorry for what happened when I was not online. I would like to clarify the two MPP, or all of these three are just based on our nation's security. It doesn't mean that our neutral policy is changed, or we turn to either PEACE or EDEN/FORTIS. It's my mistake to go to bed without telling the congress what happened, which made the some congressmen thought I have sold our country to PEACE and turned to the MPP with eUSA. I was impeached thereafter. luckily I explained this to them before they got 20+ votes to drive me out of my office.

The second reason is that our prime minister was not around between 3am day 690 and 6am day 691. without enough information, our congressmen did not know which mpp they should support.

To improve our gevovernment's performance we want to make our policy decision process more transparent. Herein we post this issue in public for 24hrs. All echinese are encouraged to discuss about this matter. We hope this is going to be a good start for a transparent government.

The President of eChina

昨天 eChina 的热点话题, 我想肯定是 “为什么我们会同时和两个 不同的阵营签署 MPP ? ”

昨天凌晨我和 peace 秘书长谈妥了和英法签署 MPP 的事以后就睡了, 后来我不在线的期间发 生了一些波折, 实属遗憾。 在这里我要澄清一下, 这两个 MPP , 甚至包括和美国的 MPP 的签 订都只是基于国家安全考虑 而签订, 并不代表着中国一贯中立的 立场发生了改变, 或者意 味着我们投向了 PEACE 或者是 EDEN/FORTIS 当中的任何一方 (换句话说我们仍然是世界 舞台 上默默地打着酱油的路人大 军中的一员) 。 我没有和国会交待清楚就去 睡觉属于我个人的 过失, 直接致使早上国会看到两方 MPP 的时候, 误以为我将国家利益出卖给 了 PEACE 故而转 向支持与美方的 MPP , 并导致了弹劾提案的抛出。

其次造成这个悲剧的原因是 , 在这关键的游戏第 690 日 3 时到游戏第 691 日 6 时之间时候, 总 理竟然也不在, 因而无法和国会进行讨论并 给予足够的信息指引;很显 然, 他泡妞去了 ( 我蒙的) ……好吧作为一个团员我很 妒忌他, 在此特对他进行惨无人道的 谴责和声讨。

另外关于这次我们和 NAP 的问题, 因为前一阵和公众关系处理 得很不好, 没有很好地保障 公众的知情权, 现政府决定特将此问题示众 24 小时, 欢迎 eChina 所有人参与讨论, 最终将 由民众来决定此事, 并希望以此为开端, 找到一个好的方式来避免国 家再次出现类似的意 见的两极分化的情况。

~~~\\ 当了囧统不能胡掰好郁闷啊 ///~~~