[MOFA/US] Croatia, we messed up. Words can't change that

Day 977, 16:49 Published in Croatia USA by Harrison Richardson

To my Croatian subscribers, friends, and colleagues alike:

We messed up. We weren't there for you. We should have been and we weren't. I don't know what to say.

Croatia has always been there for the United States and we let you down. We let you down big time. I was a vocal critic of the President's choices not to help Croatia more during the beginning of the war. I was a vocal critic of the President's failure to attack Far Eastern Russia and divert damage away. These were mistakes, and the President of the United States recognizes these mistakes. He is a human, just like everyone else, and he makes mistakes.

You were there for us during World War III and we failed you today. We failed you when we didn't show up on day one of the invasion. Right now, what I am asking for is a second chance. Give us another chance to show to you that we are the allies you know us to be from back in the glory days of EDEN. Give us another chance to prove to you that we are your ally through thick and thin.

We're asking for another chance. I'm asking for another chance.

I am asking you to give us a second chance to prove to you, through actions, not words and rhetoric, that we are and will forever be your ally. Will you give us that chance? Let us prove it to you. Don't write us off yet.

Harrison Richardson
United States Secretary of State (Minister of Foreign Affairs)