[MOFA FI] Official Foreign Affairs Dispatch

Day 1,165, 11:12 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman

RE: Office of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Topic: Official statement by the Government of Finland concerning matters of interest

As an act of openness and will to inform the world of the small events involving Finland, the Government of Finland wishes to make an official statement concerning three recent issues and events.

The United Kingdom provokes action

Yesterday the United Kingdom began a Natural Enemy vote against our long time ally, Norway. Negotiations concerning the situation were immediately commenced between Finland, Norway, Sweden and later, Ireland and Canada. As a response to the UK saber rattling, Finland and the allies retaliated by opening their own Natural Enemy proposals against the aggressor.

The United Kingdom backed down in face of this demonstration of unity and the situation blew over. The retaliatory NE proposals were canceled and relations are slowly normalizing. Threat of war still looms around the corner, however, and the allied EDEN nations vigilantly monitor how the situation develops.

Bilateral relations with Russia and mutual economic assistance

The officials of Finland and Russia have cautiously approached each other in the last weeks in order to seek reconciliation, and to form a healthier relations between Finland, Russia and EDEN as a whole.

Among the most discussed topics is the land swap proposal, where Eastern Finland and Leningrad-Oblast are swapped between Russia and Finland in order to give both nations access to a yet uncontrolled resource. This would be beneficial for the industries of both Russia and Finland.

The Government of Finland has not attempted to hide this matter from EDEN, and we have approached the leaders of other nations and asked for their permission. We will naturally turn the deal down if ordered to do so by a summit decree, but so far no notable objections have been raised.

These dialogues should not be mistaken as Finland's attempt to leave EDEN in order to form a new alliance with Russia. We do, however, see more possibilities than issues in the formation of warmer ties with our Eastern neighbour, and as long as it doesn't intervene with EDEN agendas, we will continue to have contact and dialogue with Russia.

Finland continues mobilization, promises support to Latvia

Latvia and Estonia have run in to conflict due to issues caused by poor dialogue, which has since been made worse by a training war gone bad. The deterioration of the nations' bilateral relations now threatens to escalate in to a full blown war.

The Government of Finland wishes to express its deep concern over the issue, and hopes that the governments of Latvia and Estonia are able to find a diplomatic resolution.

Due to the close proximity of this war that could expand to involve Finland, the Government of Finland deems it necessary, for its own territorial integrity, to begin an immediate campaign of conscription and mobilization of its armed forces in defense of the nation.

If no diplomatic resolution can be reached and the training war turns sour in such a manner that it begins to threaten the core regions of our friend and ally, Latvia, Finland will have no choice but to intervene in the war, and send its mobile forces to fight alongside the Latvian army in order to guarantee the territorial inviolability of the EDEN affiliated nation.

We will keep an eye on the situation.

-Erwin Schauman
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finland