[MoF] Tax Plan Update and Looking to the Future

Day 2,106, 15:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by New Ireland Bank

Tax Plan Update and Looking to the Future.

As many of our senior players know the Ministry of Finance is tasked with establishing tax rates and advising the Dail (Congress) with the best plan for Ireland's interests. I ask today that our TDs discuss the questions I present here and move to implement the recommended plan in accordance with the published schedule.

To reiterate, this plan aims to accomplish the following:
--Adjust funding to meet the needs of the country.
--Maintain or increase our current level of income to fund MPPs
--Stabilize our Economy
--Equalize the tax burden among our citizens
--Allow room for reactionary adjustments based on income trends

Please see Here for information about how our current tax levels were established.

Note: Currently ALL Tax Income to the System Treasury goes to pay for MPPs.
This money is crucial to our survival.

Note 2: The current state of the monetary market is dismal. In fact, it's the lowest profit opportunity this year so far and well below historical standards. That being said my deputies and I are pushing hard to reach our investment goals. Once this is attained we will move out of growth mode into spending and be able to supplement country expenses.

Note 3:
We generally expect to see a population and activity surge about this time each year. The more of us there are around the more we will be able to share the tax burden. We should adjust accordingly.

And Now the Numbers

To evaluate our current position I took the treasury levels back through July to establish a rate then added MPP expenses back in to show a true income trend. I also marked the dates where the tax levels change😛

An increase in income is noticeable with the increases in Work Tax. The original level of 18% that was converted from the old Income Tax gave us a huge jump but I don't believe this level is sustainable for our economic success. Once the VAT was moved to 15% we saw a slight increase but not enough to allow us the funding we need. We have to be careful with VAT because each increase makes our goods more expensive on the market. At a certain point we will effectively price ourselves out of the International market.

Import Tax has never been en effective revenue generator for our small country. Most international traders will not bother to buy an import license to our small country. Our Income Tax is only used to allow enough protection to our domestic producers but not too high so that we have no options in a crisis.

So this leaves Work Tax as our only option to increase funding.

So I ask Congress:
How many MPPs do we need to meet our Foreign Affairs and Defense goals?

Here are the options:

In last months' Dail thread we established that 10 MPPs would meet Ireland's immediate needs.

I ask for an immediate proposal to Reduce Work Tax to 4%.

I will be working with the new congress to further develop our MPP goals and budgetary requirements.

Please note that these numbers are based on a limited sample and only 1% and 5% have been tested. A work tax higher than 5% may cause fewer manager to work in their companies which will cause a reduction in the collected tax.

I know that the business interest in the country have issues with the work tax. Believe me, I get it. This is a balancing act. If you feel you can no longer afford to work in your companies that is your prerogative.

About that Gold

I ask the Dail to propose an immediate donation of the gold we won in the last admin competition. I asked for ideas from the last congress but there was no consensus. This money will be invested by the MoF orgs and will bring us very close to our national treasury goal. Having it in the orgs will ensure we have quick access if we need it. It will not be immediately used, only allowed to grow for now.

Please propose a donation of 1900 Gold to New Ireland Bank as soon as possible.

*EDIT* Please vote YES to the current proposal - This is procedural. Donating the money to the bank is the only way we will have access to it. We can discuss uses for this money at any time.

I'll have a special treat for the TD that delivers the Gold to the bank vault.

(safe sex)

I am sure there will be discussion below. I welcome it and I will take any constructive arguments into consideration for future changes. Please remember that this will be a fluid process, not set in stone.

As always, don't feed the trolls. Anarchy is our most dangerous enemy here.

Thanks for your time,

Minister of Finance