[MoF] November Finance Report

Day 2,206, 22:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by New Ireland Bank

Ministry of Finance Month End Summary

I'm publishing a little prematurely this month as the CP wanted the populace to have as much information as possible before this election.

Here is the daily tax revenue for the month so far:

And the Tax Account balance, which pays for our MPPs, looked like this:

We 'banked' 100k into our state orgs this month so that we can grow it through investments.

You can see here for information about how our current tax levels were established.

In November the monetary market sucked but it's gotten much better into December. This month it dipped down to 203 but has now recovered up to 216. My deputies and I will be watching this carefully as we are constantly pushing hard to reach our investment goals.

Here's that currency value chart:

A large part of the Finance Ministry's funding goes to fund the Irish Army. Through investments and your donations we have been able to fund our soldiers well and keep our forces strong and growing.

We supplied over 33,000cc to the Irish Army this month, most of which was used to turn hard work by Army commune members into weapons. This is a very efficient way to supply soldiers.

Thanks for your time,

Minister of Finance