[MoE] Nanashi Senshi Interview - Missives from the Sea

Day 5,418, 04:37 Published in Japan Japan by Senry.

An assistant's rendition of the lost minister, returning to Japan

Of missives, lost at sea.

I communicated via radio with the prolific Nanashi Senshi. I probed for insights into one of Japan's greatest minds, who has remained impartial throughout many a generation.

Unfortunately, due to, radio turbulence - which is absolutely real, shut up - a few details went missing in the transcription. As penitence, I will commit seppuku by the end of this article. So stick around! Woo!

And, if further communications are rediscovered from the airwaves, they will be published later. You're welcome.

Q: I see you recently changed from jin-roh to warhammer, you were on that kerberos stuff for so long, what inspired the change? Is this going back to that "Neo eNippon" vibe?
( this was a nice article btw )

A: I just thought I need a little change of scenery, but this is not my first change between warhammer and jin-roh, did it in the past and probably will do in the future.
As for eNeo Nippon vibe, you could say that. I just decided to recycle the estetices/style of it since I really didn't use it that much in the past.

Q: Who's your waifu? Have they already become Empress?

A: My waifu? Well, that's tough question but believe it or not I actually don't have one, only because I just can't pick one amongst many xD Most of the candidates I nominate(d) for the Empress day event are on my waifu list, so yeah, many of them won the event.

Q: Looking through your article history, you've done so many different things, anime awards, game awards, cosplay awards, what made Empress of the month stick for you?

A: Yeah, I did a lot of events in the past (rip Otaku party) but I sticked to the Empress day event all this time because I liked it the most and that event was one of the reason why I joined eJapan in the first place. But to be honest I did thought in the past to revive most of those event but unfortunately I just don't have enough time to organise them all.

Q: I saw Emperor of the month went on for a short bit too, what happened to that one?

A: Like I said before, I was thinking about reviving many of the old events I organised and Emperor of the month was/is on top of my list. If I remember correctly (checking the old articles), I organised that event under the Minister of Culture & History so the moment I stoped being involved with the MoCH I kinda forgot on it. Maybe I should revive it, what do you think?

--- Intermission ---

Of course, as a patriotic eJapanese citizen, I told him that I would absolutely love an emperor of the month coming back, so I would take this moment to impress on you the urgency of your input and opinions on this piece. All Japanese citizens and related weebs who share their opinion on the topic of Emperor's day in the comments will receive 10,000 cc. That doesn't mean you have to be positive, just be genuine!

--- Intermission ---

Q: It seems to me you've been MoCHE quite a few times, a long time ago of course, what made you more involved then and relatively less involved now?

A: Well, just like in real life, when you start something new, you are more interested in it because everything is new to you. So you are excited about learning new things, having fun and trying to find ways to make thing even more interesting and fun. That was my first time being a part of the government so I decided to give it my all, so I could repay the trust I was given. And as time passed that spark starred losing its brightness and the fact that many things happened in the past regarding ejapanese political affairs (those were turbulent and dark times...for some xD) didn't help much.

Q: What made you start playing erep?

A: My (real life) friends, we all started playing almost at the same time. So we made MU, forum/chat everything that goes along with it. But over time, the all quit the game, only I remained, but I would meet the same fate if I didn't decided to give the game one last chance and moved to eJapan.

A silence has blanketed the remainder of this article. The miasma of death seeps up through the comment section, as though a vile promise had just been fulfilled. The minister's silhouette can be seen flickering by candlelight through the Shouji to his office. He is sitting, hunched over and curled up. A greater power wills you to step away. What will you do? Answer well.