[MoE] Citizen Spotlight, Gofofo

Day 5,295, 18:58 Published in Japan Ireland by Violence Seth

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G'wan. Have a look and see.

Hey, t'is me, Seth the Interviewer. Remember that Protégé type I was looking for? It was in ep IV? Well this is nothing like that, allow me to introduce you to someone w/ a bright future here in eNippon.

I'll cut to the quick.

This weeks eJapanese Citizen Spotlight is the shy, brilliant and elusive


She has kindly taken time to answer my questions.

I asked, she answered. I've tailored my questions a tad bit to suit.

Q. Howya, what's the story?

A. Hi, I am a little surprised that you would find interest in interviewing the little me, I will answer as best as I can.

I will also tell you a little more about me

I do not know if you want to include only roll play elements or also include Real Life stuff so I will try to answer both ways anything related to RL answers will be in () following the RP answer most of the time.

(I am returning player that played several years ago but had a friend in another country that needed me for there business so I worked for them in another country for a long time until they quit the game,
met that person in EVE online he was my corporation leader, so we could say its all thanks to him if I am in the Erep world at all, I used to be another character, the one I was using in EVE online but I
changed my identity once I came back since I don't play EVE anymore this character as you might know comes from another MMO Final Fantasy 14, in there I am a Lalafell white mage, so I like helping people,
I usually dislike PVP and prefer to build things more then destroy what others have worked to build...

Q. Roleplaying is a dying art. What can you show the Skald?

A. RP: My father is a powerful mage... I was actually created by magic in a world full of wars and horrible things... Monsters... And was actually created as a weapon to fight in the war against dark creatures,
my body is also different in my original world... Its more of a puppet... I used to only follow orders until I basically developed a consciousness of my own over several years... I started to hate bloodshed and
wanting to "fix" people instead of breaking them... But war is never going the way you want it to... Its most of the times... Kill or be killed... Plus I had to protect Father's kingdom, if Father loses his life...
I will lose mine as well since his power is the one thing keeping my artificial soul together... Since I was created as a tool of war... It seems like every-ware I go... I am inevitably drawn to battle...

Q. ...

A. My father found this body for me also since it is able to travel trough world, he can see worlds trough dimensions and studies them, he sent me in a few other worlds most of the time to redress balance in them
or to help lost causes...he sent me here to collect some data on this world for his studies... And for some reason I was drown to eJapan and felt like I wanted to protect the people and culture there more
then any other area in this world. In all worlds I am able to visit, my body adapts to the world, in a world without magic... I cannot use magic sadly, I am training hard to be strong in with the weapons of this world... Not to destroy but to protect... Also I plan to have industry of food and housing since they are basic needs for anyone that wishes to live a proper life in any world.
When I got to this world I was welcomed really nicely by people here, one was really powerful and reached me everything I had to know to be functional in this world, they also introduced me to the party and since they
did so much for me, I decided to be loyal to that party. I believe they have retired since that time, but...

Q. Right on 🤔

A. I have made other friends that where really nice to me as well, to be honest I do not know much about politics... My father knows more then I do... But I was suggested to join the congress by one of the member,
and so I did, its less complicated then I expected to be... I am kind of a shy creature and I tend to fear getting judged badly by others... But so far everything seems to be going well. So I train every day,
in facilities and on the battlefield as well I was indicated that here is common thing to have training wars... Where both sides fight each-other just gain strength, it seems also that in this world, you can get hurt,
but you cant seem to die from it... So fighting war... Doesn't kill anyone, allowing this kind of behavior to be acceptable. I focus my training on Airship... Or... Aircrafts I think you call them here? because I was told
that in a real fight they could make a bigger difference if your skilled with them, more then ground fighting that is. I ranked myself up to squadron leader 2 stars...

Q. So what you're say-

A. I am getting kind of skilled at this. And if we do have
a real war with people willing to arm eJapan, I will be sure to use that skill to the fullest to protect eJapan. This place is really beautiful and the culture is really nice... One thing I really like is the thing everyone
calls animes that plays generally on TV and computers... One I have seen not to long ago... A real piece of art, was called "Your Name." amazing and emotional anime movie with love and sadness at its core...
Its nice to cry for others sometimes... It makes me feel like I am alive and that my heart is real... I do not understand what the differences is between other parties... I just want to stay loyal to this one...
so if someone new would approach me asking about the party... I would put them in contact with one of my mentors most likely, since I do not think I have enough knowledge to answer properly yet.
That should cover all of your questions... I think?

Q. So, the 4 Q's. What have you got for the Skald's readers?

A. Q1. What drew you to eJapan?

To put it simple... I have just been drowned to this place, like its where I belong in this world, the culture, the cities, even the tv shows you call animes.
(RL as well)

Q2. How would you explain your party to a genuine, bonafide new player?

I would put them in contact with one of my mentors most likely, since I do not think I have enough knowledge to answer properly yet.
(I have not knowlege about political formations and would not know what to answer I am with them because they have been nice to me and will stay with them for as long as they are nice to me)

Q3. Have you got any in game goals you wish to share or what are you doing to make eJapan an eNation not to be trifled with?
Training hard, focusing on aircraft training for one thing and having an industry to build houses and supply food. I will make sure to defend eJapan to the best of my abilities if anyone tries to attack us in an attempt to hurt us.
(So I will follow the lead of the more experienced people on that)

Q4. Have you any Anime/Manga suggestions?

"Your Name." amazing and emotional anime movie with love and sadness at its core... Its nice to cry for others sometimes... It makes me feel like I am alive and that my heart is real...
("Kimi no Na wa." "Your Name."https://myanimelist.net/anime/32281/Kimi_no_Na_wa )

Message below or PM me who you think should on next issues Citizen Spotlight
Sure yis could nominated yourselves if you have anything you want to broadcast.

For all ye shameless pirates, Yer Name
Be it at your own peril, ye scallywags!

Closing Thoughts

The glass hiccup sure to find wind
Beneath the faithful shadow of leaves
Hit! Then everything shattered yet still the same
A blue voice called out amidst the rain
Your voice crashing down
Again and again

So! That's the show ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank Gofofo her candour, she's a player worth interviewing and a potential big wig here in this lil' mess we call eJapan.

Stay tuned for more.. TALES OF INTEREST!!!

Ya Boi,

Seth the chap who interviews people

Don't forget to nominate someone for the next edition!