[MoC] Movie Trivia #1

Day 2,186, 03:35 Published in Denmark Germany by ilphen

Hi there!
I would like to announce a new contest. I hope I will be able to do this every two weeks. The basic idea is quite easy, I will post pictures of movies and you have to guess from which movies I have taken them.

This contest is limited to people with Danish or German citizenship.
There will be prizes for the top3, that means the one who guessed the most movies correct will be first etc..

Below the pictures is a link to a form, where you have to give me some information about yourself so I can send the prizes after the contest is over and of course you will have to put in the names of the movies.

The prizes are:
1st place: 2000 currency
2nd place: 1000 currency
3rd place: 750 currency

You can click the pictures for bigger versions, these pictures may contain spoilers. Enough talk here we go:











Here is the link to the form so you can enter your solutions.

A small hint, none of these movies were released before 2007!
Good luck! 🙂

ilphen \o