[MDP] Thordan for NWT

Day 1,706, 21:09 Published in Canada Canada by Thordan

Once again Congressional elections are drawing near and I have another reason for me to create an article. I have never been particularly skilled at writing for public audiences but as a potential congressman I feel it is my duty to provide something for my election. This article should help provide those who don’t know me a better understanding of why they should be voting for me.

For the past month I have been elected as a congressmen for the province of Manitoba. This was my first time as a congressman and I was able to learn a lot. I participated in every congressional discussion. Whether it was in open or close door sections. Even though I was a Coalition member, I spoke out about my thoughts and opinions. My statements were always educated, sourced, and were as unbiased as I could make them.

It didn’t take long before other congressmen started to take notice of my opinions and I was nominated for Deputy Speaker (when Code-Y was removed and banned). Although I eventually lost to my fellow Manitoba congressman Plugson, it was because of him that I was in the official nomination. Even though I did lose, I consider it a feather in my cap, and something to try to achive again.

I have continued my support of the Military Dictatorship Party and they have decided I will run in Northwest Territories. Since my original province of Manitoba has been occupied by the Americans, I had to choose another province. With my direct and open speaking nature I will be a sure candidate against any opponent proposed.

Vote MDP
Vote Thordan
Hail the Coalition