[MDP] Brolliance Appreciation Day

Day 1,610, 05:01 Published in Canada Canada by Connor MacLeod

^Click the banner above to access the Military Dictatorship Party website^

The MDP are please to promote today as "Brolliance Appreciation Day" in eCanada.

Back after the Great War of 2009 as the Brolliance was being forged, the exchange of gifts between random citizens of both countries help seal the mutal affection between the two great nations. In order to show eCanada's appreciation to our neighbours it's high time we have a good ol' fashioned Brolliance love-in.

How do you participate you ask? It's easy!! Pick a random eUS citizen. Go to their country page http://www.erepublik.com/en/country/society/USA and beside "Online Now" click on "Who".

Pick a random citizen (preferably eUS) and donate from your inventory.

Donate some of eCanada's bountiful food!

Donate some of our world class weaponry!

Donate some of our higher valued currency!

Just generally pitch in and show our Bro's some love.

If you find yourself short of means to show appreciation to our eUS bro's. PM Connor MacLeod or come check us out on the MDP Forums and we'll make sure you have the means to participate.

In game link - http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/military-dictatorship-party-3372/1

Forums - http://dictatorship.forumotion.com/

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