[M.Y] A selfish article

Day 2,230, 09:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Rob the Bruce

If you're not the ministry of entertainment I warn you now this article is mind-numbingly dull.

So according to an MoEnt article [will put link here when I can be bothered] I can make 100GBP just by saying the stuff I've done this eYear. I'm a bit like ChewChewShoe in a way, I like easy money. So I just need to list crap I've done. Here goes, in roughly chronological order:

I was born
Joined New Era
Was crap IMO
Joined UKPP
Not crap
Couple of Congress terms
Upgraded my crap
Killed a bunch of people in battle
Witnessed WookieO's glorious CP term
Killed more, upgraded more
Got a newspaper
Became a PP
Snoozed through Christmas
Got confused because of all the bs that happened during snooze
Wrote this awful article

Well that was fun to write....

- Rob the Bruce
Fully Qualified Time waster