[L4CP] Time to wake up!

Day 4,059, 05:45 Published in Australia Australia by Lawkee

Greetings Dear Australia,

With CP elections approaching, our community is preparing to elect its new leader. Even though I didn't plan to participate in the upcoming elections, I got the nomination from the Australian Parliamentary Party. Gave it a good thought, and decided to throw my hat in the ring. The reason why is an absolute necessity of an attempt to start moving forward, and waking up our lethargic community.

I'm not going to talk about my past experience in leading the country since I was already talking about it in my previous articles. I'm an active guy with a plan and a will do roll up my sleeves and get sh1t done.

I've recently created a Congress thread which contains all government members in addition to most of Congress members (some were not included because they haven't accepted my friendship request, but if they change their mind they will be added asap in a new thread). The purpose of that thread is communication between government executive and congress members and vice versa. As well, it is for proposing ideas to the rest of Congress and also for the debates of those ideas, and it may also be used for conveying important battle orders. So we have a good thing going there.

Currently we have Iran and Macedonia occupying our cores. Macedonians came uninvited, occupied our regions without intention to pay our taxes back. Iran on the other hand, is a friendly country and we should most definitely put all our efforts into building stronger ties with them, which is, if I get elected, going to be one of the priorities. We will also politely remind Macedonians to pay us back the taxes as a sign of good will and an attempt at building better relations between our countries. There's not too many of us, so we have to rely on diplomacy and build stronger ties with bigger countries.

The collected money from the taxes can be used for setting COs for Australian citizens thus giving them an incentive to become more active and fight for Australia and its allies, while boosting our firepower at the same time. It can also be used for various contests, giveaways and other activities which can decrease the level of inactivity of our community, which is going to be our primary goal. I'm open to any ideas, so we can discuss more about this later.

You can expect few articles with important info during the term, to keep people informed and up to date. More delicate info is not going to be published in articles, but it shall be conveyed through govt/Congress thread to the people.

As for the team, I'm planning to include active players who are willing to participate and help. If you're interested, drop me a line or leave a comment below.

It's certain that we have to put in some hard work to achieve these goals and I'm willing to do it. Or at least try. Let's wake up Australia and put it back on the path of glory, the kind of path that Australia truly deserves!

Since today is the last day of 2018. I'd like to wish you all a Happy and prosperous New Year both irl and here. Happy New Year!

