[jw] So something happened, what happens now?

Day 2,315, 23:21 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

It doesn't take a genius to realise that recently, some things happened. We have had political bickering since time began, but never, ever has this bickering had such an effect. However, until now it has basically always been one side, versus another. The history of the UK reflects this, and unless something changes, will continue to do so.

We went from the TUP-UKRP dichotomy of old, with unending bawwww about RRS, House of Lords, UNDEMOCRATIC and role-play, towards a new and exciting TUP-ESO dichotomy of semi-old. This, coincidentally had an unending bawwww of Y SO SERIOUS, role-play and DAMAGING THE UK ARMY. We then went on to a TUP-UKPP dichotomy of tedious continuity, which shock horror had an unending bawwww of role-play, MESSAGING OUR PARTY, Nick Griffin and BUYING NEW PLAYERS WITH GUNS.

From there we then, for a change, had a new dichotomy, TUP and anti-NE, vs NE and anti-TUP. This, coincidentally had an unending bawwww of role-play, BUYING NEW PLAYERS WITH GUNS and a delightful new baww of DAPPERING. This dichotomy has changed over time, due to the fall of UKPP, to become 'anti-dapper/goku/churchill(?)' vs 'not anti-dapper/goku/churchill'.

One thing, you will note, is that present in all of these, is of course, The TUP Unity Party of Unity. Now as someone who has spent time in #unityisstrength, #ukrp.private, #ukpp, #eso and #hateeverything, I can safely say that I have been involved on both sides of the fresh and exciting and constantly changing dichotomy within UK politics. But what is this all leading towards?

In the past, parties were guilty of seeing themselves as the only sensible option to rule the UK. In the past, parties would trade seats in cabinet, make no-contest deals to further their chances in congress elections, and unite to ensure that if nothing else, at least ____ wouldn't get their candidate to the Presidency. For those of you not around then, I've been on both sides of it; and when it was successful and not so much. The reason I bring all of this up, is because it is the picture that some would have you believe, still holds true in the UK today. In the majority of cases, I'd say that it simply is not the case, save for a few within the echelons of TUP and New Era. The fact is, the vast majority of every party couldn't give two hoots what party you are in, so long as you are going to be competent, active, or at the bare minimum do less harm than good.

Which leads me to quite simply, a fork in the road. It is unquestionable that UKPP through naivety, and New Era through either naivety, malice or a combination of both, have cost ESO and UKPP their parties this month. Where do we go from here? Are people ready to actually talk about a future where we aren't second guessing each other? Please, do not confuse this as support for a 'What will it take to get New Era to ____' or 'What should TUP do so that ____', the fact is that neither of these parties are particularly good at representing those who are not members. They never have been, and never will be. Both are political machines, and that is why they are where they are; neither can survive by prioritising non-members above their own, otherwise their memberships will dwindle, just as UKPP, PCP, UKRP and ESO have.

The point to this is quite simple. New Era did not grow because Dapper has 3 Q7s, just as UKPP, ESO, UKRP etc grew before them. No country will ever be a one party state. Thus, there are a few things that I feel, people need to remember

- Elections may decide the makeup of Government, but they don't reduce its responsibilities

Regardless of what party you started in, were elected from, or end up in, being in office means you represent everyone. So TUP, whilst possibly being elected on a 'booo New Era suck' ticket, are still representing New Era members.

- The political module decides the winners

There is no point trying to circumvent elections. If you want to be in power, then you have to fight for it. People complain because of a certain person, action or event? Then do something about that, or ensure it doesn't happen again, and people will stop talking about it.

- The vast majority of the UK give less than two seconds thought to bickering

Talk of the death of democracy, the bullying of a member or the evil keers/dapper/TUP/NE may bring you 3 members, but it will ensure you never get the support of the other 27. No-one in their right mind joins this game looking for arguments, nemesis's or enemies. People are here to explore, get away from the real world and if nothing else, just click until they're bored of clicking. The fact we have such small politics should indicate first and foremost, that no-one is engaging with the majority of players these days, so everyone has to do something about it.

There are three routes from here on out.

a) We end up in A vs B communities again, and continue the dichotomous history we've had since the game began, but with tedious and nonsensical over-exagerations of everything

b) Things return to how they were before 'serbiagate' until the next big 'GOOD GOD WHAT THE' moment in a few weeks/months time.

c) Things get just that little bit more tolerable.

Whichever of these happens, its not just up to the warring sides we have today, but everyone in the UK; regardless of party membership (or if you even have a party at all). Get involved, do something. Make the UK better.