[INTERVIEW] with KTTRS and Boobs. U MAD?

Day 1,478, 10:06 Published in Germany Germany by NeueN

Good evening my dear readers.It's been a long Long time since an excellent interview in the eGerman media. So Daermon, our beloved hungarian *insert sexistic description here* asked me to post this interview.
Feel free to watch boobs at the end of this interview.

Daermon: - Welcome KTTRS, you have had the luck to be the first one interviewed by me.

KTTRS: - I'm delighted to be the one, thank you very much for inviting me to your show, dear sir!

D.: - So, first question: why haven't you started a war before the elections? *The* war, in fact.

K.: - Well, currently we don't have any borders except with Poland. So to get war, we'd have to make Poland to give us another region. To make it short: I think it would have been way more difficult to get something like that from their current CP (ManiekM) than from the following polish CPs.

D.: - I see. Have you tried negotiating at all about getting a region either to the North, towards Denmark, or Bavaria?

K.: - I didn't do that in my first administration, but was planning to do it in my second one. The reason for that is, that we just agreed on that treaty, about one week after my presidency started and I think that the base of trust between our two countries needed some more time to develop, not just about 2 weeks. I also guess, that it doesn't look good if we just got some regions, to go there and ask immediately afterwards for more regions.

D.: - Also, another question about foreign affairs; how is our reputation with our alliance and the neighbouring countries?

K.: - Well I think our reputation is quite good. One thing is, that we always stayed true to our allies, though we are having quite bad conditions (considering the Polish occupation). That said, I guess people can understand, that we as a small country can't always deliver as much damage as the big players in terra, however the recent Common-Hits showed, that we are also capable of doing more than expected. Neighbouring countries... Well, right now we only have Poland as neighbour, but anyway we have a deep friendship with France and also didn't treat any of our smaller neighbours badly. So there shouldn't be any hard feelings there.

D.: - Apropos Common-Hits, are you satisfied with the results?

K.: - I think the results were good, though we should be able to improve them still more. One thing I was not satisfied with was the enforcement of that common hit, it was still quite chaotical and there was too much damage wasted. In future, people should be more disciplined at those, and we should make everyone clear before the common hit, how exactly the sold-system works.

D.: - I absolutely agree. And well, to be honest, some people were greedy, and wanted the money, so they fought even when it was over 60%. Anyway, Otto von Holunder's question: What do you think about the reactions of the eUK lately? The clearly showed that they aren't happy about us dissolving the Strassbourg Treaty and winning two rounds of the Battle of London for eIreland.

K.: - Well it's clear that they aren't happy about about dissolving it, because it meant for them e.g. loosing the first two rounds. If there wouldn't have been that London battle, no one would have really cared about Straßbourg. I also had a talk with Mittekemuis about Straßbourg and well it was clear for both of us, that the treaty has lost its meaning with both of our countries beeing in complete opposite alliances. What I can understand however is that people were kinda shocked about the force we attacked in London, I've also read that people saw that as hatred of us towards the eUK. In the end they only had bad luck that their battle was the first one that opened before our common hit which was announced for that time days ago. The only alternatives for the London battle would ave been some Trainwars in China and Moldavia, which would have been a waste of money and damage for everyone. However one thing I clearly oppose was the stupid spamming of the common-hit chan of eUK. Those childish actions only remembered me to same thing Poland once did in our chatrooms, and in the end it was a big moment of "Fremdschämen" for every normal eGerman.

D.: - Some personal questions: how much time did you spend on eRepublik as a president?

K.: - Well to be honest, I thought it would have been more work. I know every CP usually says the complete different thing, but you have to consider that I was spending months in different governments and also was some months MoD, which was at that time, way more time consuming. Of course it was still quite time consuming, usually i've spent some hours per day with erepublik, sometimes more, sometimes less (especially in the week I had to finish a presentation for universtity). The good thing was, that I had a great team in my ministries, which helped me a lot when I myself didn't have that much time. Particularly my MoFA was a big help there, so again a special thanks to Otto and Kalif. Without them this month wouldn't have been that smooth.

D.: - A short question, to make the article longer and Daermonism more famous: do you believe in Daermonism?

K.: - Of course I am a fanatical Daermonist, the only thing that bothers me is that we don't have enough missionaries spreading the one and only truth.

D.: - Back to more serious things, what do you await of the next month?

K.: - Well personally I will have more time for Skyrim😁 Other than that, I'm looking forward to get the MoD to do good work, I'm MoD advisor after all. Probably I will also write some srs articles in my newspaper, Steinmetz Trollcoprs related of course. In general, I hope that Raidoh isn't too much out of the game (which i don't think), so that he can get eGermany to continue getting more active etc.

D.: - Is there anyone you'd be glad to see as president?

K.: - Well as CPs there are some people that come to my mind. Dermont would be good if he'd become more active again and also m4nk and Kalif should maybe think about doing the job Yeah and ofc. I would be glad to see myself sometime again as CP, it was a nice experience.

D.: - Is there anything that you're especially proud of as a president?

K.: - Hmm well I got some PMs from people congratulating me for doing an awesome month and that is really something I appreciated, which ofc. also made me a bit proud😁 Other than that I really liked that so many people accepted that sold-stuff, which was orginally the idea of Gregus and Caroline, but was modified to its current form, from me myself.

D.: - Talking of money, what's with the stealing issue?

K.: - Well I think everything turned out good in the end. We got our money back, everything was resolved very quickly, showing that the admins can sometimes do good work too. In the end slayer also was punished accordingly, not only did he get tempbanned, but he also lost all his gold (afaik more than 200g) which was confiscated by the admins.

D.: - Would you exile people like that, if you could?

K.: - Well if I could I would exile him together with all the multi-users and Nazis, but I can't so I've decided not to care about slayer coming back into the community again, but consider him beeing punished by the admins good enough.

D.: - Any last words, something to share with us?

K.: - As last words I'd like to share some garbage-day with you 😁 http://youtu.be/i7gIpuIVE3k

D.: - Thanks for the interview, KTTRS, Ave Daermon!

K.: - Ave Daermon!