[ilphen] Running for CP - Cabinet [EN]

Day 2,205, 16:29 Published in Denmark Germany by ilphen

Izzeh me ilphen (*puts mario mustache on😉
I am running for Xmas President! Yay, trees, socks everywhere and such things woo.
It’s gonna be a first for me, I’ve never been President during Xmas & NYE, and I hope I can make the best out of it, together with you guys.

I think Denmark is on a good way currently, we are slowly growing, mainly via recruiting people from other countries, but yeah, I don’t mind taking the good bits. :3
So here it goes, a warm welcome to all the new faces and welcome back to all the old guys!
I am going to keep the recruitment policy up and in coordination with my government I hope to make use of all citizenship passes that our congress has. For useful and nice people that is, of course. 🙂

Besides that, we desperately need to have a talk to the Germans in order to get our tax money back. As you know a few weeks back eRepublik introduced an update and reworked the tax payment system, countries are now getting taxes based on the amount of core regions they own. In our case, we currently own one of five core regions, hence we get about about 20% of our original taxes, that is obviously unacceptable since it is so little already, hence a talk with the German government and a payment should be imminent.

Yea, in my last term we were faced with an invasion by Romania and I used every trick in the book to defend our territory. I used my influence to get the highest priority for CoT, USA, Germany, Macedonia, Bulgaria and several other countries. Lots of those countries and their MU’s did an incredible job, and I even spend a LOT of money on combat orders to lure enemy fighters to our side, but in the end it just was not enough. Facing defeat surely is not a nice thing, and yeah living with that is even worse. When I think back I wished I did lots of things differently, but whatcha gonna do, right? I don’t posess a time machine.

Anyhow, nostalgia aside, I can obviously not promise to keep the peace at any cost, because who knows what evil awaits us in the next month, but I will do my best to make december a joyful month filled with holiday spirit, family lubs and peace.

And yes, before I forget the most important thing! Here is my government for december!

Guess who.

Vice President & Eternal Queen of Denmark
• Maine Coon
Personal Assistant to the Vice President & Eternal Queen of Denmark
• Gucio

Ministry of Community & Communication
• Kristian Klausen

Ministry of Finances & Economy
• Hr. Bubbi
• Sasori5

Ministry of Defence
• n0s3

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Libertas33
• Zacharia Raven

Foreign Affairs and Embassies
• Matthias Lund

If there is anyone else who would like to contribute to the government, feel free to message me and I will consider it!

Best wishes,
