男性健康小测验- Health Quiz for Male

Day 1,671, 04:08 Published in China China by swing in the wind

1. 什么时候应该开始常规胆固醇检查?
A. 55岁
B. 35岁
C. 50岁
D. 65岁

2. 常规血压检查应间隔多久进行一次?
A. 每五年
B. 每一个月
C. 每两年
D. 每十年

3. 什么时候应该开始进行大肠癌风险筛查?
A. 50岁
B. 40岁
C. 60岁
D. 21岁

4. 如果你已经有高血压或者高血脂,你还可能有患有什么疾病的风险?
A. 肝炎
B. 糖尿病
C. 青光眼
D. 中风

5. 为了保持健康,最应该做的事情是:
A. 经常锻炼,健康饮食,适量饮酒,保持健康体重
B. 决不吸烟
C. 进行疾病筛查检查,并根据医嘱服用预防性药物
D. 以上全是

6. 抑郁的现象包括:
A. 持续感觉情绪低落,悲伤,或没有希望两个星期
B. 对任何事情没有兴趣,对原来有兴趣的事情也兴趣不再
C. 很想去跳舞
D. A和B

7. 身高体重指数,根据人的身高和体重来判断肥胖状况的指标,用来衡量以下哪种状况?
A. 糖尿病
B. 肥胖
C. 青光眼
D. 以上全不对

8. 如果你是65-75岁的男性,而且曾经吸过100支以上的香烟,你应该进行以下哪种疾病的筛查?
A. 腹主动脉瘤
B. 吸烟
C. 前列腺癌
D. 以上全都对

9. 65岁以上应常规进行以下哪种疫苗注射?
A. 水痘
B. 肺炎
C. 麻疹
D. 腮腺炎

10. 在一周的大部分日子里,每天应至少进行多长时间的中等强度体育锻炼?
A. 5分钟
B. 10分钟
C. 20分钟
D. 30分钟

1. At what age should you begin having your cholesterol checked regularly?
A. 55
B. 35
C. 50
D. 65

2. How often should you have your blood pressure checked?
A. Every five years.
B. Once a month.
C. Every two years.
D. Every ten years.

3. At what age should you start being screened for colorectal cancer?
A. 50
B. 40
C. 60
D. 21

4. If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, what other disease should you also be screened for?
A. Hepatitis
B. Diabetes
C. Glaucoma
D. Gout

5. The most important things you can do to stay healthy are?
A. Exercise, eat a healthy diet, drink alcohol only in moderation, and stay at a healthy weight.
B. Avoid tobacco.
C. Get recommended screening tests and take preventive medicines if you need them.
D. All of the above.

6. Signs of depression include:
A. Feeling "down," sad, or hopeless for 2 weeks.
B. Having little interest in or taking no pleasure from doing things you normally like to do.
C. An urge to square dance.
D. A and B.

7. Body mass index, which is a measure of body fat based on height and weight, is used to screen for which condition?
A. Diabetes
B. Obesity
C. Glaucoma
D. None of the above

8. If you are a man between the ages of 65 and 75 and have ever smoked more than 100 cigarettes, which condition should you be screened for?
A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
B. Smoking
C. Prostate cancer
D. All of the above

9. Which vaccine should you have after turning 65?
A. Chicken pox
B. Pneumonia
C. Measles
D. Mumps

10. How many minutes of moderate physical activity—at a minimum—should you aim for most days of the week?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 30

答案明日公布- Answers will be published tomorrow