[FED] Vote Feds for Congress!

Day 2,896, 07:16 Published in USA USA by Matt Oaks

The Federalist Party's Official Congress Press Release for the October Congressional election [Day 2,896]

Why should you vote for the Federalist Party?

Duncan Crowe, a recently-resurrected Federalist member put it pretty clearly in his personal vote-fed article a couple days ago: a vote for the Federalist Party is a vote for the new active players that keep this game alive.

In the past and the present, the Federalist party represents a model community that has all the great aspects that keep old players around and new players coming. I myself have seen this first hand.

I joined the Federalist party only two weeks ago and already I am a part of a group of close-knit players who's only real goal is to see newer players succeed in eRepublik. IRC is active, forums are active, players are active. In a game like eRepublik these things are invaluable to not only have a successful party but also to have an enjoyable experience. I wouldn't have stayed here if I thought for one second this party wasn't going to support me in my efforts, I would have left already.

As I read Duncan Crowe's article I was reminded of another reason this party is so great and that reason is diversity. Diversity with regards to experience specifically. Parties can sometimes fail to find a balance between old player respect and new player support. But somehow, the Federalist party has managed to keep an experienced legend in Dunks and a fairly new player like myself within their great community. And honestly, there is no secret formula. It's simply just one of the damn best, proudest and horniest communities out there.

So, you know what to do. Vote for integrity and vote for eRepublik's future. Vote for the Federalist party!

And as always,

Thank you, good day an😛

Stay Proud and Horny, America