[ESO] A Vote For WRP Is A Vote For ESO + Free Food \o/

Day 3,198, 12:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Jimmy Savile

Once again I use this cleverly designed trap to draw unsuspecting readers to the comments section and posting the standard "Gib me my food". Today you'll be scrolling past the ESO congress list!

First of all I'd like to show off ESO candidates trying to get the support of the party in the preliminary votes

One didn't even apply for congress, one doesn't want to win and the other has the majority of the votes...

ESO congress candidates have been asked why they want to be in congress and what they hope to achieve in congress. Of the 4 candidates 3 have replied.

First of all, Mr Cherry is probably in hospital getting all the alcohol sucked out of him from his birthday the other day. So has yet to reply to my message.

He has a clear set of goals that are achievable and he has made plans on how he's going to achieve them already. Showing he's prepared to jump straight in and start getting to work.

1, Removal of the current legislation.

2, Keep congress discussions as public as possible

3, Impeach the current speaker

To see more look here: http://prntscr.com/c91rxx

Nick A Llama
He has a more interesting plan for congress. Unlike the other candidates, he's only planning to remove a single part of the legislation. As well as becoming the next speaker!

1, Impeach the current speaker (seems to be the going think)

2, Apply to become speaker

3, Remove the legislation part containing the following
"If the dictatorship falls without this act being repealed then the government must organise a fresh coup as soon as the cooldown has expired."

More information can be found here: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2610097/1/20

"Shoot the Speaker, burn all meta legislation, then sit back in a leather chair and stroke my cat." - Voodoomike71 when asked what his plans are.

Unfortunately it seems that the Speaker is resigning soon so they wont get to impeach him, but that doesn't mean we cant try and impeach Llama \o/
Vote WRP

If you like the ESO list and support their plans in congress then vote for WRP. WRP have agreed to run our congress members in their party and have our grateful thanks.

Vote WRP cause ESO are awESOme \o/ Or something like that anyway
Get your 250 q5 food today