[ePlayboy] Interview: The Domino-effect Part II - FossiFoo

Day 1,595, 10:56 Published in Germany Germany by NeueN

Ohai there and welcome to part two of my interview series The Domino effect. My today interviewee is FossiFoo.
You will find the standard pictures of girls below this interview. HF Gl ;>

1) Hi Fossi, how about introducing yourself?

Moin. My "full" name is FossiFoo and i'm one of the late january
'10 polish wipe babyboomers and have been playing without a major
break ever since. I found an instant home at the Steinmetze (and
#we_do) when we tried to PTO them with the 150+ force of the
pokerstrategy community. Unfortunately only a handful of active
players remain until now.

IRL im one of the older (30) players around and live in the
greatest city in the world, Hamburg.

2)Germark: What do you think about the Union? How do you like our
danish friends?

Every (IRC-)active Dane i've met so far is really great. It's nice
to be (barely) able to provide them with a home from the constant
PTO thread they faced in the past. I hope we can keep up the
current relationship for a long time. Or at least until the next
polish/hungarian wipe.

3)As one can read you are in the congress and the so called
"kindergarden" annoys you? Why/ What's wrong with the congress?

Congress is just one of the necessary evils this great game
provides us with. Unlike ministers people aren't voted in for
their competence, but by party size, bigmouthing and sheer luck.
As such the level of involvement, knowledge and dedication can be
pretty low.

Also as one can see from the recent chairman election drama (if
you don't know, you don't want to...) we germans are pretty good
at overregulating everything. On the other hand the stupid rules
keep some even stupider people from ruining the game for
everybody, so meh.

4) Do you think that the IRC is important for a player ? If yes, why?

Hell, yeah. Because that's where this game is really happening.

5) Who are the egerman people you like most and least?

Honestly i like a lot of egermans, but of course mostly the #we_do

6) Quick answer roun😛 Favourite hair colour? What cup size should
a girl have? Most beautiful/sexy woman alive? Steinmetze or OMG?
Beer or Water? Scotch or Bourbon?

Hair color: short
Cup size: preferably B-C, but anything natural goes
Most beautiful/sexy woman alive? Angelina Jolie (especially in one

of her first roles, Hackers)

Steinmetze or OMG? Oh My Goddess, Steinmetze.
Beer or Water: Srsly? 😑
Scotch or Bourbon: Irish: Jamesons 18yr (calibration), Midleton
Rare (real nice), Connemara Turf Mor (peaty), Bushmills 1608

7) Tell us something about your current favourite band/musician?

I'm all over the board, but last few cornerstones where Mumford &
Sons (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvG6UrRMFnk - crying on
stage on the first song, srsly?) and the GoingQuantum Dubstep
Podcast (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWJbCOQPGIM)

😎 Which person should I interview next?

I don't know who's been on, but an influencial egerman i always
wondered about is Lhasa. That guy has been silently working in the
background, running the forums, bots and such as long as i can
think. On the other hand to keep it international i'd really like
to learn more about my favourite eSwede Nattzor.

9) Room for your thoughts, things you want to say.


10) What girl should be in this ePlayboy article?

Lately i obsess about Crossfit, so any of the ladys on google
image lifting more than you weight will do.

11) Finish the sentence: When I thought about Wonne i realize that
he is..

a whole lot like me.

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