[ePlayboy] Interview: The Domino-effect Part I - Stente

Day 1,583, 09:28 Published in Germany Germany by NeueN

Hello there and welcome to an other awesome edition of the ePlayboy.
From now on I will fulfill all your dreams with a series of interviews called interview-domino.
Why domino? Well, most of you might know those little dominos. As well you might know the effect of those game. One brick falls to an other and so on: A chain reaction. The same will be my interview series. The interviewee will tell me whom to interview next. Easy going!

Well to come to an end or rather a beginning:

1) Hi Stente, you are one of the better known danish people in Germark. But I think there might be people that don't know you. So how about introducing yourself?

I think I need no introduction?!
Joke aside, I'm one of the older Danes (eAge, that is) who is still around, been in congress as well as different governmental positions through my time, and have had a couple of different citizenships, though always somewhere around Northern Europe..
RL I'm 24 years of age, doing my master in Chartered Surveyor @ Aalborg University (Copenhagen Campus) and just enjoying my life. Well, trying to enjoy my life at least. Ever since Wonne came into my life, it has been mostly miserable..

2) Germark: What do you think about the Union? Do you feel like a germarkish person or do you think that the danis minority is not treated well?

This being the second Union I have participated in (the first one being the Swedish/Danish Union aka Homonavia), I most definitely enjoy this way more. I have some good friends in Sweden, however the attitude towards foreigners from certain persons in that country is just horid 😃

Germark is definitely a way better union for the Danish minority, and it's really nice to see people trying to makes us feel at home and comfortable. That's what makes me wanna hang around IRC more, throw in my influence for Germany and stuff like that..

I know some Danes are not really into the idea of sharing country with Germans, however I have no problems with your Sauerkraut-stinking asses so I'll probably stick around for a while 😃

3) What do you think about the congress debates about using english as the main language?

I think it's very nice for the Danish minority(and other foreigners as well), that Germans are standing up for our rights, and fighting for us to be able to take part in the political life of Germark. Of course some people are not really comfortable with the English language, and that will probably be the case in every country around the world, but that fact that most people take their time to at least do a short summary of their posts means a lot.
The amount of work saved by not having to cope/paste everything into Google Translate is bigger than most people would think, especially if you have to do it for every post in the threads.

4) Do you think that the IRC is important for a player ? If yes, why?

Yes, I'm a big fan of IRC, though sometimes it's good for taking away my concetration. IRC is a great place to hang around, get to know people and have some small-talk with people you didn't know before.
To me, the community is 95% of the reason that I'm still playing this game 🙂
- take yesterday as an example, me and some of the Steinmetze's had a fun talk about ol' days and the good old consol games back then. Nintendo, Playstation, Gameboy, Amigas and all of the other stuff that most of us have used a trillion hours of playing.

5) Who are the egerman people you like most and least?

I've been mostly hanging around the #we_do channel(the official channel of the party Steinmetze), so I've been talking mostly with guys like KTTRS, Wonne, NeueN and so on.. However I think I get along with almost anyone, to be honest 🙂 I haven't really made myself any foes in Germark yet (at least not what I know of 😃 )

6) Quick answer roun😛 Favourite hair colour? What cup size should a girl have? Most beautiful/sexy woman alive? Steinmetze or OMG? Beer or Water? Scotch or Bourbon? Favourite soccer club?
(Answer in as few words as possible)

Anything natural goes for me, I guess..
I'm a fan of females who doesn't look like 3 bones and a face, so I would say >D-cup
Hmm, there's something extremely sexy about Christina Hendricks, but I have had a huge crush on Olivia Wilde since she first entered House M.D., so I have to go for her..
Steinmetze, what would the world be without stones?!
Beer, preferably a lager. I would most likely take a glass of wine for dinner, though..
Hmm, close one - Bourbon I think.. Why is Rum not an option? 😃
Manchester United, been following them ever since I can remember and haven't missed more than a handfull of matches the last couple of years. In the beginning it was mostly because of Schmeichel I think..

7) Why should people vote for me in Lower Saxony? (huehuehue)

They shouldn't, they should vote for me in Hovedstaden(Running for Steinmetze 😉 )
Nah, of course people should vote for NeueN as well, he's a nice lad(wait, are you a boy or a girl, don't think I even know that? 😃 ) who have been nice to me. That's reason enough, right? 😉
Anyone who can openly embrace a Dane is good enough for Congress!

8.) Which person should I interview next?

Hmm, that depends if it must be a person from Germark or abroad?
From Germark, I think I would pick Fossi. I've always wanted to know him better, such a nice nick 😃
From abroad, I think Tommy Skaue (Cherup in IRC) from Norway is a nice guy who should be known all over the world 🙂

9) Room for your thoughts, things you want to say.

I hate PTO'ers, they ruin the game and I wish I could kill their computers with one swift strike to the motherboard! 'nuff said.

Thank you matey, also add a girl you want to see in the ePlayboy 😉

Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley, Who wouldn't want to be "operated" by her?

Thank you Stente for this nice interview. It was a pleasure for me and cya soon @ #we_do !

What's left to say? Ah yeah, on 25th there will be the congressional elections. So if there are some guys or girls in lower saxony and bremen: Vote for NeueN. 🙂

Enough blah, blah, here is what you want, pictures:

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this article.