[EDIT] eRepublik Influence Calculator

Day 1,617, 09:31 Published in Norway Portugal by EliteTank

It had display problems at some users. I have corrected them. (If you see something not right, let me know).

I have made online influence calculator.

It's temporary on free hosting site http://infcalc.x10.mx.
It can help you calculate influence in battles with all types of weapons.
Your data (or data of some erepublik citizen) can be set manualy or get from erepublik.

Manual mode

Text box for citizen's link

Fetched data

You must still manualy enter number of fights and to choose weapon fire power.

Calculated influence

It also shows influence against your natural enemy.

This is my favorite user. 🙂

If you like this, please shout.
eRepublik Influence Calculator

Boban Stajic