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Day 1,843, 08:11 Published in USA USA by EnterAwesome

Hello Once Again Readers,

I really don't have time to be writing this article but I am because I want to. Personally, for me, sometimes my wants are prioritized weirdly.

This is an about me article, so if you plan on reading all of this prepare youself.

I was going to cheat yesterday and create a multi account. Things were going well until I got this.

So, no I don't cheat as of right now. But I was willing to cheat to secure my old name and switch back to it one day. I have a ticket that is 8 days old (apparently I am a “top player” so I am “top priority”) asking if switching back to my name would be possible.

The good old days

With Inwegen as President I now step into two roles. Deputy Secretary of Media and Writing Department Director both of which I will hit the ground running when I am back from my hiatus. In addition I have also left the USAF and have joined the Ultramarines, however I will continue SCOing for the airforce.

I also have been recently crowned the jewel of Retention Director of the Feds a position I am really looking forward to, of course, after my Hiatus as well. Like maybe some awards!?! Hehe.

Check out my cool new UM avatar!

Christmas Spectacular

The one thing I will always do is help others. HOHOHO.

This Christmas I think we will have just about 1000 Q7 tanks to give away, the wellness is still unknown. That will be the week before Christmas, as well as the Lottery being drawn December 20th.

More information can be found here.

As Always,
EnterAwesome Exploration

P.S – My next article I will try to make more interesting 🙂 No need to vote this article at all.