[DoD] The United States Armed Forces

Day 3,311, 14:39 Published in USA USA by AlTounsi.

The USAF, right?

Look, here's the deal. I'm Senry. Secretary of Defense. Hi, how'ya doing?

Something that's important to my job is the ability to influence military units to follow certain orders, or otherwise achieve end results that are militarily beneficial to the country. On a surface level, this actually isn't as hard as it sounds. As long as you know what you want to do with which region, where you want to invade, which allies you want to help today, you can throw your friendly neighborhood military units a shout, and they'll more or less do what you want. If your plan isn't stupid, that is.

And I won't say that I've never had stupid plans.

But excluding the USAF, neither I, nor the president necessarily have what I'll call control over these units. Naturally. Each player is their own self, and they're allowed to do what they want. I accept this, and wouldn't have it any other way. Now, control in this context isn't a direct force that allows us to guarantee someone do something at a specific time in a certain way, but rather it refers to how we remove as many hindrances as possible to players to allow them to fight where we want them to. This refers to a few things:

Weapons, food, gold for training, good communication.

The USAF removes these factors entirely. Our members are fully capable of dishing out all of their damage where we need it. They don't need to hunt for battle hero medals or combat orders just to be able to afford fighting to their full potential. Of course, this doesn't mean that they don't, but to a much lesser extent.

In the past week, I've seen this Military Unit expand again, with new blood leading a regiment of air-only fighters, and a well-oiled back-end to support supplying and distributing information. Watching the unit turn battles during coordinated attacks have been some of the most rewarding moments of the past few months. They've even pulled through at a time when I felt like I personally fucked up, and didn't think I had organized nationally well enough.

So what's the point of this article? Basically, I'm telling you to come join the USAF. It's a military unit that operates under the president. And she's hot.

Rainy sunday is also hot too.

And for those wondering about the cost of the unit: Beautifully, it costs very little to run, aside from the massive price spike we just saw. Which doesn't count. Playground rules.

Let's be real, you probably know what this unit is. I can't imagine that many new players would read this article and understand most of it anyway. Have to wonder who the target demographic is.

Well, PM me.
