[Cyprus] Thoughts about alliance stuff

Day 2,249, 07:27 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

Hello panpas

As we all saw TWO is almost dissolved

There are many rumours about the new alliances stuff but my experience and realism shows that there are two "sides"

The one is between Greece-Turkey-Argentina-Romania

After the division of TWO its obvious that Spain+Poland will walk different path from Serbia and their smaller kingdoms

The big questionmark is about the group of Chile-USA-Brazil

All of them have great relations with Croatia but on the other side it will be difficult to "betray" Bulgaria or Fyrom, their traditional allies

About Cyprus
We all know that from ancient times the two countries that Cyprus relied on and got help were USA and Chile

I am sure nobody would like to see Cyprus apart from Chile and USA

We have proved to be a really proud e-nation, so even if Chile-USA decide to build a new alliance with Bulgaria or Fyrom we have to stay independent but keep our bonds with Chile-USA.

TERRA reborn?
This is another scenario. Of course rebuild the "good old TERRA" seems a dream to us and I guess nobody would hesitate to have Cyprus in TERRA.