[CP] Tanks for Danes. BETA!

Day 2,211, 04:47 Published in Denmark Germany by ilphen

a little announcement. Some of you have probably read Zacharia Ravens article about Tanks for Danes. We have agreed on a test run. It's gonna go like this:

If there is an article with official Danish Battleorders like this one. Everyone that comments and has Danish citizenship will get 10 tanks to fight in that battle. In the future we might add some more features to this thing, and maybe tweak the amount of tanks per person. But for now it is going to be a test run to gather some information.

We are going to start with the Battle Orders article mentioned above. It has not been updated yet, but in the future it will contain some info about the Tanks for Danes part as well as the Battle Orders itself.

So everyone grab some tanks and lets get our capital back!
