[CP] Sparks of Autumn

Day 4,370, 13:47 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

Our team worked hard last month to put the eNetherlands in the position it is entitled to. We didn't have a doubt to help our allies in need in the 'Spain campaign' and will defend our position instead of awkwardly hiding in the background as others so often do. We currently do not have just 1 Training War, but four to accommodate our increasing ranks. We're happy to be able to work and continue the cooperation with Poland, Germany, Latvia and Lithuania! This is in part was only made possible by the growing interest in the eNetherlands, which also led to for example Rainy Sunday joining us and providing us with one more Legend.

I'm happy to see that we've been granted one of the biggest election victories in recent times, with the overwhelming support of 80% of the population. A reassuring sign to continue the very same path. No bickering over inane issues, but moving forward in the game! And moving forward we will. The Government will very soon publish the instructions and rules for the Black Friday Fund in which we will actively aid our citizens in profiting from the discounts in place.

We also are looking forward to rent out our concessions again in replacement of Iran and Spain, to ensure the further improvement of our royal Government Programs. While we are far from being in financial trouble thanks to precarious management by the Ministry of Finance, the improved situation in the Netherlands asks for more elaborate and better funded Government Programs in the future. We already have seen some interesting suggestions to enhance the Housing Program and hope we can provide a new guideline for future Governments to follow upon after ''Black Friday''.

The Team is one you are familiar with:

Country President: NoTie112
Vice President: Janty F

Ministry of Home Affairs: Kordak & Willem Drees
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Arcanic Mindje
Ministry of Defense: Van Der Kaczy
Ministry of Finance: Janty F

You may wonder: Where are people like Shawtyl0w and Weekstrom or even promising new people like Fmcv? But do not worry! Everyone can, in essence, be part of decision-making like they are as we have very open channels of communication. Therefore, everyone is invited to the active Telegram channels by sending your username to either myself or Shawtyl0w.

Kind regards,
Your Country President NoTie112