[CP Candidate] Nohjis, because it's the right choice (1)

Day 1,749, 14:39 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Dear eBelgians,

The upcoming month is a crucial month in eBelgian history. One where our nation’s finest will need to work to prove themselves worthy of joining the Circle of Trust. I’m one of those who has fought hard for this change in foreign affairs policy and believe that as such it is my duty to help it become true. In a time like this one, experienced leadership is crucial. The country needs someone with knowledge of our military organisation, with an experience of what it means to be in a wartime government, in short, it needs someone that knows who they can count on in emergency situations and that can motivate them to excel in every domain.

So how exactly do I see that ?

We’ve gone through a financial reform near the middle of the current term with the goal of stabilizing expenses for the next couple of months. I do not see a need for large changes. I would however foresee to suspend non-vital programs such as town-center upgrades, storage subsidies and Q4 raws subsidies. I believe it’s important to always maintain a mid to long-term budget goal where we have sufficient reserves for protection. In order to improve the competitivity of our factories, I will ask of congress to work on reducing or eliminating the tax handicap from which our markets suffer.

We will work on making sure that the formal immigration procedure which has been put into place this term will be respected by every member of congress. In order to do this, the government will consider people who use citizen passes without authorization through procedure as a PTO threat. This will in turn allow congress and the supreme court to assess the importance of these threats and take the necessary measures as foreseen in our laws. The Home Affairs department will continue “business as usual” with the existing programs for new players.

What is crucial in our Defense department ? It is to have people who know and understand our military capacities. To have people with the experience to plan and organize coordinated missions. We will be fighting for our allies, that’s not a job for one time a week, but one that we’ll have to work on every day. It’s a big change and I have already made sure to have several people ready to execute the day to day needs of coordinated assistance for allies, be it civilian or military.

Our Foreign Affairs department will have an equal need for active people who love to cooperate and coordinate with people beyond our own borders. Next to keeping you up to date about world news, their duty will be to communicate towards our allies, make sure that our military assistance remains visible and tangible and make sure that our allies needs are heard within eBelgium.

Note that my main goal for this coming term will be to ensure that we can be accepted into Circle of Trust after our trial period of one month. I believe that eBelgium as a social state is a well-oiled machine that can run this month with standard maintenance and little “special” attention while an extra effort is made in the military and international affairs. I’m available for your questions, be it through a message in game, on IRC or on the forum.

Make a choice pro experience, because it’s the right choice for september 5th. Vote Nohjis !

Past offices:
2x President of eBelgium
1x Vice President of eBelgium
1x Minister of Foreign Affairs in a time of war
1x part of the Defense council in a time of war
4x Minister of Finance (of which one term in a time of war assisting the other departments)
5x Member of Congress

Past realizations:
- Nearly all citizen programs have been started under my two previous terms as President.
- Commander of the Belgian Training Academy, being a motor to raise supplies from 5 Q5 food a day to 42 Q5 food and 2 Q6 tanks a day
- Strikes coordinator for the Belgian Paras
- a Financial plan in times of crisis but managing to upgrade supplies from Q6 to Q7 weapons for divisions 3 & 4 in the military