[BigAnt] The Apple has fallen from the tree

Day 3,480, 14:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[BigAnt] The Apple has fallen from the tree

Good Evening eUK.

Firstly I want to thank you for all of your responses to my first article regarding the exposure of our current incompetent country president Appleby.
News first broke when old friends from both UKRP and TUP congress alerted me that Appleby had setup a congress mail without the presence of UKPP, BP and Lemon parties.

This was disappointing but not surprising.

Appleby has a long track record of being inactive when he wins a CP vote. But this time he has managed to just remain active. The problem is when he is active, he is worse.
Apple's turn off the computer do us all a favour.

Hateful Applepleb

To make matters worse, our head of state now has referred 50% of congress as "Scumbags" (See pic). I will add at this stage
this was why I ventured into the graveyard of UKRP... sorry to disappoint you Dishcmds you don't have me as a 12th congressman.

Min Wage increase to prevent Multi's

Waynekerr came up with this gem of an idea to prevent multis. Read it here

What I find funny is that Dapper has backed this (he's the one with the multi's apparently) and yet Appleby doesn't. Interesting isn't it.
The point being is people are making multi accounts purely to work in their own factories. You can pay your multi's £1 and have an entire army of workers.
Not only avoiding tax but also making yourself rich in the process. Oh look Appleby has jobs listed at £1 😃

I think its clear, Appleby is incompetent. He's split congress on day 1. He's using multi's to farm his factories.

Now this impeachment vote is active. Let's hope it passes and we can move on.
