[BG]The Subcarpathian tango and the Turkish delight

Day 1,445, 03:39 Published in Bulgaria China by mihail.cazacu

Two interesting developments take place around the Black Sea right now.

The first one is the Subcarpathian Tango, danced in full synchronization by Ukraine and Bulgaria. Every time Hungary declares Ukraine as Natural Enemy, Subcarpathia is conquered by Bulgaria. When Hungary votes Bulgaria as Natural Enemy, Subcarpathia is liberated by Ukraine.

The end result is Hungary is largely paralyzed and the only interesting fights for her players are the ones via the MPPs. When that happens, the Hungarian damage is spread thin over several battles, resulting in pure waste.

In the same time Romania has started a campaign against Turkey. Tureky's case is interesting for many reasons:

1. Turkey's main allies are all the Great Powers of NWO/ONE/Bullies and Juniors. Yet Turkey receives almost no help when she needs it, while most of the ONE's victories were gained thanks to the important Turkish contribution.

Well, that's typical for ONE as it was for PEACE and Phoenix before. The question is why is Turkey still hanging out with those guys?

2. The main reason for Turkey to make alliances with those guys who treat her as a doormat is simple: a few months ago Turkey was the favorite rival of both Bulgaria and Greece. Therefore Turkey needed to be allied with the enemies of Bulgaria and Greece, since there were no other choices left for her;

3. In the mean time the situation evolved. We have seen that a lot of Turks distanced themselves from the "Ottoman" way of thinking which had prevailed for a long time among the Turkish community. Some made the radical step of joining the INCI operation in Cyprus and today fight alongside EDEN and Terra. Others kept playing for Turkey but nevertheless normalized their relations with Greece and, more recently, with Moldova. So why can't Turkey cut her ties with ONE completely now?

4. There are two reasons for that: right now, there's the Romanian campaign going on. That's not exactly the right time for switching alliances.

However Turkey is not an interesting rival for Romania because as far as the general Romanian population is concerned, all the outstanding issues were solved in 1878.

The current Romanian campaign is more of a break from the boring 3-years-old ping-pong game with Hungary. My bet is the Hungarians won't be able to keep their players interested unless they start again their traditional war with Romania. The more the Bulgarians and Ukrainians will keep dancing their tango in Subcarpathia the more the Hungarians will grow eager to attack Romania. This means the Romanians have little interest in a prolonged conflict with Turkey. It is not fun for the Romanian players on long term and it is not sustainable either if in the same time Romania needs to fight Hungary again.

The conclusion is that in spite of the current war, Romania and Turkey are not long-term rivals and each would be happy to fight other wars.

Turkey scored some popularity points with Romania when they agreed to liberate Moldova. That was not enough though for a lasting peace with Romania as long as the Turks kept showing on the battlefields on the side of ONE.

However if Turkey would decide to quit her useless ONE friends and would refrain from invading Romania's allies (Bulgaria, Greece, Israel, Ukraine, Russia and Cyprus), any agreement is possible.

5. As far as I know, the gentlemen's agreement between Greece and Turkey still stands, so Turkey is not going to face a Greek invasion anytime soon.

6. So the real obstacle for Turkey leaving ONE and concentrating on a campaign in Iran and the Arabian Peninsula (an area where Turkey can easily build an empire unchallenged) is the unfinished business with Bulgaria.

This can be a serious problem because Turkey is one of Bulgaria's major sources of interest in this game. Maybe the Turks themselves would like to normalize their relations with Bulgaria. However this is only possible if Bulgaria wants it as well.

Luckily for Turkey, Bulgaria has another major source of fun: FYROM. Somehow the guys from FYROM managed to market themselves as a eGreat Power and to create a lot of trouble in the Balkans in the process.

eRepublik is a game in which the Admins make money by exploiting the Real Life issues. All the baby-booms, the Bulgarian one included, were motivated by Real Life issues.

Strictly speaking in the Real Life framework, it is much more likely that FYROM and Bulgaria unite [peacefully] than it would be that the EU and NATO member Bulgaria starts a war with NATO (and likely future EU member) Turkey and ends up conquering Turkey. The Real Life numbers are just not there. And the Real Life Bulgarians are one of the most pragmatic people I have ever met.

Therefore I think that while the normalization of the relations between Bulgaria and Turkey is still difficult today, in rather short time the project of unifying Bulgaria and FYROM would become much more popular.

An added bonus to a victorious campaign of Bulgaria against Macedonia is that it can open Bulgaria's way to the West. Spain has already received the Croatian tourists. Why not receiving also a Bulgarian delegation? The Spaniards might be traitors in this game but they have a long Real Life tradition as a touristic destination. And in this game betrayal is best paid by means of armed tourism 🙂

So let's keep the tango and Turkish delight feast continue. We're about to live interesting times.