[B&H] FRANCE We are with you - edit

Day 2,916, 09:13 Published in France Croatia by Nightwolf123

France = eFrance today we are on one side, on same side, on side mothers who lost their sons, daughters. On side of France who cry for them.

In name of eBosniaks National Party which is part of MINGO alliance, in name of eBosnia and Herzegovina we want to say to French nation:

In front of French embassy in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Monday (16.11.2015) has been declared a day of mourning in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the victims of terrorism in France. A minute of silence (at noon) will be honored to all victims.

Flags in front of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina have already been lowered to half-mast.

Town Hall in Sarajevo (the largest library) in the colors of France - on UNESCO list

Old Bridge in Mostar in the colors of France / The list of world heritage by UNESCO

Town Hall in Banja Luka Banski Dvor - cultural center