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The term ultima Thule in medieval geographies denotes any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world".
This is a newspaper of all the people that want to collaborate, anyone can write to our editorial staff and been part of our project!

Is Something changing?

6 1,136, 03:17 روز منتشر شده در Switzerland Switzerland

Congressional elections has given us a lot of new congressmen, some of them entered for the first time in our congress, and maybe they could give to our country a new chance for the future.
The actual composition of the congress is this:

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Ultima Thule recruitment campaign

3 1,133, 23:20 روز منتشر شده در Switzerland Switzerland

We need people from every country with all lvls to collaborate with us!
PM me or Herberhard.


I want to say thank you to Heidi Klum for her collaboration

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The rise of gipsi - Let's Fight Koza Nostra

18 1,132, 03:20 روز منتشر شده در Switzerland Switzerland

Since some days we was studing the political situation in Svitzerland and of course we notice a party names Koza Nostra.
Just reading the name it's easy to understand that there is something wrong. 'Cosa Nostra' is a criminal syndicate that

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To be neutral or not to be neutral this is the problem

13 1,131, 11:01 روز منتشر شده در Switzerland Switzerland

Election is going on, but something incredible is happening in Switzerland! A law proposal of president F4uc0n destroyed our governament. The president proposed to be natural enemy to Italy, that could sounds awesome and scaring, but let's see why

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F4uc0n explains us Swiss politics and leaves SLP during the interview!

7 1,129, 14:32 روز منتشر شده در Switzerland Switzerland

F4uc0n, the Swiss President after the impeachment, has accepted our request of an interview, to explain us some interesting theme about Swiss politics!

V.R.: I would like to start asking you a simple question: how is the actual political

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