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درباره روزنامه من

بازکردن صفحه ویکی

The official newspaper of the UK MoD.

Daily orders are posted here - check back regularly!

To All Reserve Registrants.

2 131, 10:11 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom

Unfortunately there will be delays with the registration process. As I type the applications are pouring in, and I will need a funding transfer before I can accept any more applications. I will make a request right away for the funds so with any

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Interested in defending the eUK?

6 131, 07:33 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom

A message from Colonel Paddyohale of the UK Army Reserve:

Greetings, potential recruit.

The eUK Army is currently recruiting soldiers of strength 3.0 and above to join the Army - specifically the 21st Special Air Service Regiment (the real-

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Citizens, your country needs you!

8 130, 09:10 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom

Join the UK Army Reserve or the Elite Paratroopers Today!

As a citizen of the eUK, you have the opportunity to join the UK's finest soldiers among the ranks of perhaps the most organized and battle-ready military in the eRepublik world. … بیشتر »

Purchase gifts!

5 128, 11:40 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom

With the War Module a week away, it will be important to stock up on gifts as fighting will inevitably decrease your wellness. Reserve forces will be grouped into sections that will be tasked with supplying each other with gifts. There are hundreds

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7 127, 17:19 روز منتشر شده در United Kingdom United Kingdom

Please read the forum thread below. It is essential to maintaining our chain of command. If you do not have access to this section of the forum, or are unregistered, please message me as soon as possible.


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