محیط روشن/خاموش

Unlikely for Congress

10 764, 05:03 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

I'll be running for Congress this month. Mainly so i can be a pain in the ass to govt. I do actually have goals and a sadsack platform of supporting canadian business. Foreign importers have no business in our markets where domestic output can cover

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eCanadian Death Company

18 751, 16:02 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

How many newbs have to die on NB's road to bettering there province. I've looked through NB prides companies and all there present goals have been achieved with there hands covered in blood. The specter of death follows the NB pride organization

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Advice for Citizen B and DAL

14 746, 13:59 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

I realize this election must be stressful as your 2 clickers aren't coming through for you this election. They would rather vote for a celebrity such as Jacobi instead of follow your simple instructions of

-Click community
-Select elections

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A Month in eCanadian Politics

32 744, 23:19 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada

Platforms have been released since the month before. All stating the same damn thing and everyone saying they can all do the same damn thing better then the other guys.

Political attack dogs are released to argue with other

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Free Q1 Guns

13 740, 19:00 روز منتشر شده در Canada Canada تعاملات اجتماعی و فرهنگی تعاملات اجتماعی و فرهنگی

Well this is my shortlist of top 10 favorite movies. Got bored of listening to Aeriala and decided to throw it together. His accusations and excuses do get … بیشتر »